Chapter Twenty Two

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Scene 1, Take 2

Chapter Twenty Two

Bella's POV
Song: "Heart Like Yours" by Williamette Stone

New school. New town. New year.
It has been thirty years since Edward and I were reunited, and only now we were rejoining school. We got married exactly 29 years ago.

Alice took her time planning the perfect wedding, and it was, in fact, perfect. I was slightly sad that my parents couldn't be there, along with all my human friends and family. But at the same time, I was surrounded by my new family, one that would be by my side forever.

Carlisle and Esme invited all their closest friends, and their "extended family" from Denali. It was the very first time I had met them, and they were all so kind.

I met some incredible people, some baring formidable gifts. A vampire from Egypt named Benjamin became a close friend of ours, along with a nomad named Garrett.

Edward and I went on by ourselves for a while, always coming back frequently to visit everyone, though. We lived nomadically, mainly.

We visited Egypt, and Benjamin. We stayed at an incredible island Carlisle bought for Esme once for their anniversary. We traveled all over the world, well, apart from Italy, for obvious reasons.

Life couldn't be better. But now, after thirty years of endless adventures, we all decided that it was time to go back to blending in with society.
So here we were, settled down. Canada, this time.

Esme had the house ready in no time, and she really outdid herself this time. She found a massive lot deep in the forest, and decided to build a house so big, each couple had a floor to itself. All evened up, the house was five stories tall.

We were quickly enrolled into high school, and today was our first day of junior year. Also, Edward's and I's anniversary.

We spent the night together in our cozy living room, talking about how far we'd come. When it was no longer considered nighttime, Alice snatched me away and prepped me. She did my hair, chose my outfit, and talked me through all the little things I needed to know.

She told me the full story, of how Jasper and Rosalie were with Esme when she met Carlisle, and that they adopted the remaining four of us shortly after. She told me to move my wedding ring to my middle finger, and gave me more dainty rings to disguise it. She showed me how she did the same.

Aside from that, I already knew everything. I knew how to blend in, scare people away if needed, move slowly, act human. All that.

Alice put me in black high waisted jeans, a tight long sleeve cropped black shirt, a red flannel and white sneaker. She left my hair down, and painted my nails a glossy black. I had to admit, this was one of the few times when I actually felt like myself in what Alice put me in.

When she declared that she was done with me, I went up to the fifth floor, which was mine and Edward's, to look for him. I searched the huge bedroom, even bigger closet, living room and bathroom, but he was no where to be seen. I assumed that maybe he went on a quick hunt before we had to leave for school.

I plopped myself down on our king sized bed, only to notice a small note on my pillow. I opened it up and immediately recognized Edward's neat handwriting.

Isabella Marie Cullen,
God. I will never get used to calling you that.
I know you don't like it when I overwhelm you with extravagant things, love, so I won't do that– instead, I'll devour you and smother you in every ounce of love I have to give you.

I know you can't see love, but you can feel it, hold it and cherish it. When I touch you, I am touching love in its purest form, Bella. When I am holding you, I am holding the most delicate form of love– a love that I cherish more than my own existence. A love I would be utterly lost without.

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