Chapter Twenty One

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Scene 1, Take 2

Chapter Twenty One

Edward POV
Song: "Look After You" by The Fray

Bella completely froze beside me. Pure horror dawned on her face. I felt helpless. I was so angry at myself, at Victoria.

The months I'd spent trying to track her were useless. I hadn't even been on the right continent! And all that time, she was right there, in Forks. My poor Bella was left all alone to deal with a monster.

Vampires natural response to shock or panic is to freeze, so when Bella felt like stone in my arms, I didn't try to pull her out of it. But when she began shaking, I was worried. I'd never seen a vampire so afraid before.

I looked to Carlisle, asking him with my eyes if she was okay. Well, as okay as she could be at that moment. He thought that I should wait a bit, and see if she pulls herself back together.

So I did. I held her tightly in my arms, kissing her head and rubbing her back. I kept whispering in her ear that everything is going to be okay. Her eyes were filled with tears, ones that she couldn't possibly shed.

Meanwhile, my family discussed what we were going to do. If it came down to a fight, we had her. That is, if she was alone. A seven on one– I wasn't sure if Bella could fight– was a sure win.

"Maybe this has nothing to do with Bella" Carlisle suggested. We all looked at him, disbelieving. "Look at it. Alice can't see Bella, right? If Victoria came here with the intention of harming her, I don't think Alice would see that."

That made sense, but it wasn't enough for me. "We can't be sure of a theory like that" I muttered. Then their looks turned to me, and then to Bella who was still shaking in my arms, and they agreed.

"But how would she even know where to look?" Esme asked. "She had no way to know that we live here. Maybe she's just passing by, with no intention or knowledge of even the possibility of meeting us. Maybe that's why Alice can see it. She's just passing through. Bella won't be involved, because she has no intention of her being involved. Because she doesn't know!"

That made sense. I still wasn't going to rely on it, but I sure hoped it was true. I hoped that Victoria would just run by, and we would all go unnoticed.
Well, not really. I wanted Bella to be in the clear, that was sure. But me on the other hand, I wanted nothing more than to fight Victoria. To tear her apart piece by piece.

Edward. Alice thought, and immediately she had my full attention. If Bella drops her shield, I'll get a better look. To persuade me even further, she showed me her vision– how unclear it was.

"Not now" I said. We didn't have much time, but I didn't want to push Bella. Not now. She wasn't shaking anymore, but she was still frozen. I could only imagine what was going through her mind. James in the ballet studio, Victoria's feline stance.

My family's opinions were so predictable, it was almost comical. Esme hoped that it wouldn't come to a fight. Carlisle hoped for that too, but he kept the possibility open. If it came down to it, he knew it might be the right thing to do.

Emmett was, of course, excited for the possibility of some "action". He loved fighting with Jasper and Bella, but claimed that Esme never really let them go at it. He knew that he wouldn't have to hold back on Victoria.

Rosalie was bored. She knew that even if it would come to a fight, Emmett and Jasper would never let her get a punch in. She trusted completely that they'd have her in seconds, and then it would be over. Jasper was keen on protecting the family, Alice mostly. Alice was disturbed that she couldn't see it all, and she was worried about Bella.

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