Chapter Seven

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Scene 1, Take 2

Chapter Seven

Edward's POV

Did I just...? What? There's no way. But who else could she be talking to? It was the only only possible answer, yet it was completely impossible.

I stared at her in shock until class was over, then went crazy searching for my siblings. Alice had gathered them in a secluded corner, and I simply couldn't get there fast enough. When I got there, they were all extremely nervous, except Alice- she was shocked, having already seen what I was about to say.

"I heard Bella" I heaved out, and it sounded like almost nothing at all. "What do you mean you heard her?" Emmett asked. "I mean I heard her" I said, my eyebrows raised, trying to make them see the obvious point.

They all gasped, and there eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "What did you hear?" Rose asked.
"I think she did it on purpose. Like she controls it. She talked to me. She wants to meet us. To talk."
"When?" Jasper asked. Alice answered for him.
"Tonight. At the school lot. She wants us all there"

We had nothing else to say, but we all wanted to share the good news with Carlisle and Esme, so we decided to ditch the rest of the day and go home.
Rose called Carlisle on the way back, and his excitement was audible through the phone.

"I saw it" Alice suddenly blurted out. "For just a few seconds, it was perfectly clear." She showed me in her mind the vision she had, and it was crystal clear.
She didn't hear a thing, but she saw everything.

Bella was standing in front of the seven of us, arms wrapped around her chest. Her face looked serious, but it was clear that she was hiding something. As for us, none of us looked completely devastated, which was good, but that could simply mean that the vision was from before the big blow.

When we arrived at home, Carlisle was just parking his car. We all went inside to find a very anxious Esme. We hadn't told her a thing yet.
"What's going on? Are you all okay?" She asked as soon as we walked through the door. She was at Carlisle's side immediately, searching for anything that might indicate that he was hurt.

"Everything's fine. It's Bella. She wants to talk" I said, and Esme stopped breathing. After all this time? Finally! I get to see my daughter! Once she processed the news, she squealed, and was quickly joined by Alice.

We all moved together to the living room, and sat around in the various couches and chairs.
"Did she say what she wants to talk about?" Carlisle asked.
"No, but I think we can all guess. The only thing we can't know for sure is what's her stand on the subject." It was obvious to all of us that she understood that things couldn't just stay as they were. But whether she wanted the same thing as us- now that was beyond me at the moment.

"When did she even talk to you? Did she seem happy? Mad? Nervous?" Esme asked. She was so eager to see Bella, that she just tried to keep her mind occupied enough so she wouldn't go crazy.
"She didn't exactly talk to me" I started. "You all know that I can't hear her, I never could. But now, Alice can't see her and Jasper can't control her emotions. But the schedule thing worked" I quickly winked at Emmett, who brought up the idea, "whatever she does that blocks us- she stopped doing it. Only for a moment, but I could read her mind. She was very careful not to think about anything but what she wanted to say. I got nothing beyond her request."

We spent the rest of the day discussing what we would say and do, though it was based off of our sheer expectations. It could all prove to be useless in the end.

As the hours ticked by, my anxiety grew. Everyone was nervous, and Jasper was almost having a panic attack. The last time he saw Bella, he nearly killed her, so he had enough anxiety for himself. But then, he also felt Alice's, who knew how she'd hurt her best friend, and Emmett's, who felt like he'd failed his little sister, Rose's, who knew how cold she had been towards Bella, Carlisle and Esme's, who hadn't seen Bella all this time, and mine, which was beyond words. All in all, we were losing our minds.

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