Chapter Eighteen

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Scene 1, Take 2

Chapter Eighteen

Bella POV
Song: "How Deep is Your Love" by The Bee Gees

My life couldn't be any better. For the past week, my days were absolutely perfect. I'd spend the entirety of the school day with at least one Cullen by my side.

Edward shared all my classes, and I sat with them at lunch. A lot of the times, Edward and I caught up to one of them in the hallway, and we'd walk together.
The best part was having Edward constantly by my side.

I felt like a cliche clingy girlfriend, but I could tell he felt the same. I'd been alone long enough, and so did he. We only separated for a few minutes every day, when I'd go home to change my clothes, maybe shower.

After school, I'd always follow them to their house in my car. I'd stay there until we had to go to school, and then I would run home, change, then come back and drive to school with them. The time between the end of the school day and nighttime was filled with games, competitions, movies, books, jokes, heart to hearts.

The whole family would just sit together. Carlisle couldn't make it sometimes, because of his job, but when he was there, it made everything better.
He made Esme so much happier. She lit up just by the sound of his name. He also kept the boys in check.

Their "friendly competitions" could get out of hand sometimes. When that happened, Carlisle was the only one who had a shot at calming them down.

When night came, every couple would go off to do their own thing. The first night I'd spent in their house, it was very hard shutting the noise out. I got used to it though.

Edward and I would just sit on his couch. Sometimes we'd go outside. We kissed and laughed and talked about everything. We were becoming like an old couple. We knew everything about each other. It was beginning to look like we had nothing new to tell the other.

The rumors at school hadn't died down yet. Every kiss was followed by a gasp, every touch planted the seed for a new rumor. I didn't fully understand why.

We weren't the only couple at the school. Definitely not the most social one, too. Sure, at the beginning it looked like we hated each other. Or rather, I hated him. But how long could they hold on to that?

I could see the toll it was taking on Edward. Every thought they had about us shot right through his mind. I was sure most of the student body thought we were ugly, but I knew we were beautiful.

Despite our start, Edward and I had an amazing relationship. I couldn't even put it into words. I just loved him, and he loved me back.

For some reason, today of all days, Edward came home with me. I didn't see why, I'd be back at his house in a few minutes.

As I dug through my closet for something to wear, Edward suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me, and dug his face in my neck.

"Hey" I said in a light laugh. He just buried his face deeper into my neck, and I could feel him inhaling deeply. When he started kissing my neck, I turned around to face him.

His lips moved from my neck, to my cheek, to my nose, and finally my lips. At first, he just placed a chaste kiss on my lips, a similar one to the ones he placed on my cheek and nose. When he pulled back, his eyes were so filled with love and warmth, and I was sure mine looked the same.

We just stood there, staring at each other for an immeasurable amount of time. When that time came to an end, I got on the tips of my toes, and kissed him. He kissed me back eagerly, causing me to bend back slightly.

Scene 1, Take 2Where stories live. Discover now