Chapter Eighteen

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Jon's p.o.v

When Jon had woken up, he noticed that y/n had escaped off somewhere. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair, looking around the living room. He had also noticed that the items on the table had been put away. He smiled softly and stood up, wrapping the blanket around himself.
"Y/n?" He called out as he made his way to the kitchen.

When there, he spotted her, and a wide smile spread across his face. She was mixing a pot on the stove with one hand, and was looking at a paper with the other. She was mouthing something to herself as she did. He chuckled and made his way behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He looked at the paper and noticed that it was a page of her script.

When he hugged her, she squeaked a bit in surprise. "Hi baby.. Sorry I scared you~" he cooed and chuckled.

"Its okay..!" She said with a giggle, turning to hug him tight.

He chuckled and kissed her nose. "Whatcha making..?"

"I'm making chocolate for some cupcakes.." She giggled quietly.

"Ooh...! Why're you making cupcakes though..?"

"Oh, the girls invited me to go out with them tonight... so I decided to make them some treats." She smiled wide.

"That's nice..! I'm glad y'all are going to hang out.."

She nodded and kissed his chin. "I'm gonna miss you though...~"

He blushed a bit and raised an eyebrow. "Its just one night."

"I knoooow- but still-" She laughed and hugged him tighter.

He ruffled her hair a bit before feeling his phone vibrate. He took it out and his eyes lit up a bit. It was thayne inviting him to hang out with the guys at the theatre. He quickly replied before smiling.

"You seem happy-" She smiled and looked in his eyes.

"Yeah..! The guys just asked to hang out.."

"Oh really...? What a coincidence-" She laughed

He laughed as well before kissing her nose gently. "Are you excited?"

She nodded and smiled. "I'm really excited..!"

"Thats good- If you want I can finish up making the cupcakes so you can get ready.." he offered.

"Awe- you don't have to do that.."

"What if I want too?"

"Well too bad- I'm not letting you finish what I started."

Jon pouted and wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up into his arms. "Well.. I'm still helping you."

She squealed and hit at his shoulder. "Whyyyyy!" She whined before burying her face in the crook of his neck.

He blushed and hoisted her up a little more. "Becauuuuuse- I wanna spend time with you."

"Screw you-" She said and hit his shoulder, not hard enough to hurt though.

"I would gladly let you-" He joked and pecked her lips.

"I-I" She blushed even more and whined. "You suuuuck-"

"You really need to stop giving me stuff-" he smirked before whispering in her ear, "You swallow.."

Her eyes widened and she squirmed a bit in his arms. "Joooon! You're gonna turn me on and I c a n t do anything about it right now-" She whispered for some reason and blushed even more.

He laughed before setting her down. "Okay- okay... I'm finished." He booped her nose. "You are cute when you're flustered though.."

She let her hair fall into her face and she blushed. "You're cute in general-"

He blushed even more. "Not as cute as you-"

He saw her face go even redder, and he laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone.." he ruffled her hair before sitting on the kitchen island.


The two continued to talk for about an hour or two as y/n finished the cupcakes. They had gotten ready and went on their separate ways, emmy picking y/n up and Thayne driving with Jon.


Word Count: 642

I promise the next two chapters will be longer- and In like- 5-ish chapters theres gonna be a very long chapter-

Im still sorry-

-Ezra <3

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