Chapter Three

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As y/n walked with jon, they started to talk.

"Ya know.. Before you had even drew that picture of me, I knew your username by heart," jon said, casting his eyes down to the shorter female.

This statement caused her heart to flutter a small bit. "Really..? How come..?" As she asked, she turned to look up at him, an eyebrow raised.

"You always like my posts.. As soon as i post something new, you're there, leaving nice things in the comments. Honestly, it's something i look forward to with each post."

A small dusting of a blush crossed her cheeks, barely enough to be noticable, but still there. "I never would have thought that you would notice my small comments... Especially with everyone else commenting too."

"Well, when you're the first to comment on most of the time, it's pretty hard not to notice."

At that, the both of them laughed a bit.

"When you put it like that I guess you're right," she grinned up at him. "Hell- i even know some of my followers usernames.."

They started to talk about different things as they walked, eventually making it to the cafe.

Jon opened the door for y/n and followed behind her as they walked inside. As soon as they were, they were bombarded with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods.

"Have you ever been here before..?" Y/n asked as she walked to the counter with Jon.

"No.. I dont think I've had the chance too. Is it good?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Yeah..! It's one of my favorite places to go actually.. They even have these little swing chairs!" She exclaimed before pointing to them.

He laughed at her excitement before nodding and looking around. "If i had found this place sooner, i would be here almost every day." 

She laughed and grinned, "I come here almost every day... It's sort of like a... What would you call it..?"

"Your happy place..?" He suggested.

"Yeah! Exactly. This is my happy place." She giggled quietly before it was their turn to order.

When they stepped up, a young girl smiled wide from behind the counter. "Hi y/n! Are you gonna have your usual?" She had a happy sound to her voice.

"Yeah.. And could i also have a banana nut muffin too?" Y/n smiled warmly as she asked. She was comfortable with all of the baristas here, and could even call some of them friends.

"Of course! And what would you like sir..?" She asked as she turned to Jon.

"Umm... A hazelnut coffee please.." He said after looking at the menu for a few moments.

"Alrighty! One chocoholic frappe, hazelnut coffee, and banana nut muffin. That'll be $17.76." The barista, who's name tag read eliza, said with a smile.

Y/n started to take out her wallet when Jon placed a hand on her arm. "Here.. I'll pay." He then proceeded to take out his wallet. He handed his credit card to the woman and smiled warmly as she swiped it. He then slipped it back in.

When paths meet (Jon Rua x reader)Where stories live. Discover now