Chapter Seven

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Jon's P.o.v

Jon blushed a small bit as he pulled her through the wings and into the dressing room area. He had a nervous smile on his face, and could feel his heart racing in his chest. "So... This is the guys's ensemble dressing room.. I spend most of my time in here whenever im not on stage... I've had so many memories in here..." He ended up rambling a bit, but quickly stopped himself. "This is one of my happy places.." He said softly and cleared off the couch to make room for them to sit down.

He then pulled y/n down to sit next to him and turned to look at her.

"It seems really cosy in here.. I would love to just hang out here with everyone.." She said softly and sat criss cross. She then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah... Maybe when im cast in my next show you could spend a day in here with me and stuff." He offered and blushed a bit as he took in her features once again. This only confirmed what he had told thayne earlier. She really was the most beautiful girl he had seen. That was what he was thinking about when he was snapped back to reality by his name.

"Jon..? Are you alright..? I kinda lost you for a second there.." She asked quietly and waved a hand in front of his face.

"What? Oh yeah.. I'm fine. I was just thinking.." He chuckled quietly.

"As I was saying.. I would love that." She grinned and started to fiddle with a bracelet she was wearing.

"I would love that too.." He then nervously scratched the back of his neck. "You know... I really enjoy spending time with you.. I mean- this is the happiest I've been in quite some time.." He said, his stomach starting to fill with his nerves.

"Really...?" She asked, her smile grew.

"Yeah.. Really happy.. So I um.. Wanted to ask.. If.. Um.. You'd want to go on a.... Date with me..?"

This caused her breath to catch a bit and he felt his heart drop. "I-i mean.. You don't have too if you dont wa-"

"Of course I want too! I just... Can't believe that you actually want to go on a date with me... You're famous and I'm nothing.." She started to ramble a bit. He placed a gentle hand on hers and smiled softly.

"You are not nothing.. You're an amazing artist for one... And you just got your first big time role... So don't tell me you're nothing.. And believe me when i say this.. No one has ever made me feel like this.. Like... I get so nervous around you.. And I don't even halfway understand it. Maybe it's because when we talk it just flows.. And I enjoy talking to you so much.." He began to rumble and didn't stop until he felt a hand on his cheek. His heart then dropped when he saw tears in y/n's eyes.

"Oh- no no no- did i make you cry..?" He rushed out and felt a prick of panic fill his heart. "I-if I hurt you I'm so-"

"No..! You didn't hurt me at all... It's just... No one's ever said that to me.. Ever... Not even my ex boyfriend did.." She said quietly and quickly rubbed her eyes.

He frowned softly and put a hand against the one she had on his cheek. "Well... I plan on saying more things like that soon.." He chuckled quietly in an attempt to make the mood happier. Lighter.

She laughed quietly and smiled. "I-imma have to get used to that then.." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

He took a deep breath as well and focused on the coldness of her hand.

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