Chapter Twenty-Two

155 9 1

??'s p.o.v

It was a few weeks later, and they had been waiting outside of the college that y/n went to. They had found out that the theatre department was supposed to have rehearsal, and so they were waiting for it to end.

A few minutes after they had arrived, the students began to leave. As the last student left, they snuck into the auditorium.

They chuckled darkly before starting to walk around the back. They paused though when he heard a voice singing in one of the dressing rooms.

"You were once my one companion... You were all that mattered..."

They immediately knew who it was and peeked into the room. As they assumed, y/n was sitting on a small chair, brushing her hair and practicing her lines. They made sure they weren't able to be seen in the view of her mirror, and they stayed there for quite some time. They were thinking over the plan that they had been forming since they had found her.

When y/n stood up to leave, they quickly scurried away and ended up on the bridge area above the stage.

"Thank God.." They thought and ran a hand through their hair. "I just need to memorize the layout... Opening night is a few weeks away and I can't afford to mess up.." They thought again.

They stayed in the building for hours, walking around and memorizing where everything was.


Word Count: 241
I'm sorry this chapter is so short- I've been dealing with some stuff.

But do y'all have any guesses who the ✨Mystery Person✨ is?
You'll find out for sure in the next few chapters.

Anyways, stay safe y'all.

(Also, I am going by she/they pronouns now 🥺)

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