Chapter Twenty-One

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Y/n's P.O.V

Y/n was cuddled up next to Jon with a take-out box in her hand. Her head was laying against his shoulder as their new favorite show, supernatural, was playing on Netflix. She had been the one to introduce the show to Jon, and after the first few episodes he was hooked. And so- they had a new routine. Every time she stayed over at his apartment, they got a ton of snacks and watched the show.
Tonight was no different, except for one thing. Every once in a while, Jon would glance towards her and hold her closer. He would also sometimes place gentle kisses to her forehead or the top of her head for no reason. She didn't mind it, but it was weird since he usually was too invested in the show to even look at her. 
After a few more episodes, the two of them had finished their food and had gotten more comfortable on the couch. Y/n had ended up cuddling up on top of Jon, and he had his arms around her. They stayed like that for what seemed like forever before she heard a soft voice begin to sing. 

"You said they made fun of your body
Humiliation in your eyes when you told me"

Y/n felt her stomach twist up a little bit at the words, and she took a few deep breaths in order to make it go away. She looked up at Jon to see that he was the one singing.

"Well, I'm gonna find them
Don't you worry
I'll make sure
They're really fucking sorry"

Jon began to run his fingers up and down her back in a soothing way. She felt her panic ease at his touch.

"You said you're embarassed of your body
You told me you think you're really ugly"

He looked down at her and smiled softly, cupping her cheek with his other hand.

"Well, my love I know you don't see
What I see"

She smiled sheepishly as she made eye contact with him, and her heart began to flutter like crazy.

"Anything that is beautiful
People want to break
And you are beautiful
I'm afraid"

After he sang that, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. He then picked her up into his arms and held her close. He continued to sing quietly as he carried her to the bathroom. She had a confused look on her face before she had realized what he was doing.
He turned on the water in the bath and put some bubble solution into the water.
"Baaaaby.. why are you making a bath..?" She asked in a sheepish voice.
"I wanna help you feel better.." he said in a soft voice. He then left the bathroom to get her some clothes, or at least she assumed he did. 
She smiled sheepishly and decided to just get into the tub while he was gone. She was glad that there were bubbles so that he couldn't see anything. She especially didn't want him to see her legs. 
By the time he had come back, she had sunk down into the water to her chin and she had her eyes closed. The only reason she knew he was in there again was because she heard something clink against the side of the tub. She opened one of her eyes to look at him and her face heated up when she saw that the lights had been turned off and a bunch of candles had been placed on the corners and sides of the tub.
"Jon... You don't have to do all of this for me-" She was going to go on but had been cut off by him handing her a glass of wine. She deadpanned and looked him in the eyes. "I don't need wine-"
"yes you do. And so do I-" he said and set his glass on the edge of the tub. He then sat down on the floor next to the tub and crossed his arms on the edge of it. "You can't deny it.. we both need to unwind a little.."
She sighed before nodding in agreement. "fine.. you win." she said before taking a sip of her wine. She then closed her eyes and laid her head on the back of the tub. "I love you.." She said in a quiet voice.
"I love you too Y/n... so much more than you know.." his voice sounded close to her, and it caused her heart to flutter. Although they had been together for a couple of weeks, she still got giddy whenever he said her name.
"I don't know what I would do if I hadn't have met you.." She admitted, opening her eyes so she could look into his.
"What do you mean..?" he asked, one of his eyebrows raising up in confusion.
"Well.. you know how the first night we met that one guy came up to me at the bar..?" She asked, glancing away the slightest bit.
He nodded as a look of recollection crossed his features.
"well.. I got a text a few days after that saying that he had been looking for me even before that night.. and I.. If we didn't spend so much time together I think he would have been able to find me.." She admitted and took a long sip of her wine. She was starting to feel a little anxious and she hoped that it helped her calm down.
She felt him grab her free hand, and the warmth of it made her feel safe.
"As long as we're together.. nothing bad is going to happen to you. Ok? I'll make sure of that.." 
She looked in his eyes and nodded, letting out a quiet sigh. "I don't deserve you.."
"You do deserve me.. you deserve everything."
"How do you know that..?"
"I know because I was where you were at one point in my life.." he said and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "I used to think the same things you do.. and then i realized that the things I have.. I might not deserve in hindsight.. but I damn well earned them. And you have earned everything that you have."
She looked at him for a few seconds before squeezing his hand. "God- I am so in love-" she whispered before leaning up and kissing him gently. He brought his free hand up to cup her cheek as he kissed back.
And it was as if the spark that had been there during their first kiss had multiplied. Not by 10 or even 100 times.. but it seemed like it multiplied by billions. So much love poured into that kiss that Y/n didn't even want to pull away. But alas.. she had to.
They stayed in the bathroom for what seemed like hours, just talking and drinking wine and having deep conversations.

It was close to midnight when they decided it was time to go to sleep, and as Jon was helping Y/n out of the tub due to her quickly growing tipsy from the wine, he could help but snort at what she had just told him.
"D-did you know octopi have blue blood-?" She had begun to say random things earlier, but that was by far the funniest thing that came out of her mouth.
They ended up getting to Jon's bed eventually and fell asleep cuddled up into each other.

Did you catch my little thing of foreshadowing? hehe. If you did then you have a clue of whats going to happen in the next few chapters. 
I hope y'all enjoyed this, as I enjoyed writing it! I just hope that I get my mojo back to where it was before. 
I love y'all, and I hope y'all stay safe in these times.
-Ezra <3

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