Chapter Four

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Jon's P.O.V

As Jon watched y/n disappear into the dorm building, he smiled wide. He could still feel the warmth from her hug as he walked back to his bike, and he felt giddy inside. Maybe it was from the coffee, but he could swear that he was the happiest that he's ever been. At least the happiest he's been in a while. He quickly hopped on his bike and drove to his shared apartment with thayne jasperson.

They had become best friends after their shared time on the show Hamilton and they stayed friends after it. He was, after all, always there for him.

So when he walked through the door, thayne jumped up from the couch and rushed over to him, a concerned look on his face.

"Jon! Where the hell have you been?" Thayne asked as soon as he reached him and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Jesus- daaaaaaaad- I'm fine. I just ran into someone and we got to talking." He smiled and looked down at the slightly shorter male.

Thayne sighed in relief and nodded. "Ok good.. You shoulda texted me though!" He poked his forehead before jumping onto the couch.

"I know i should of, and I'm sorry. But i lost track of time and i didn't realize how long it had been." He explained and sat down beside him.

"Soooooo... Who'd you run into?" Thayne asked and wiggled his eyebrows a bit to tease Jon. "You seem really happy."

He let out a laugh and curled his legs up under him. "You're not gonna believe it if I tell you."

"Just tell me! I believe almost anything.. Hell- i believe in ghosts" he laughed and turned to look at the taller male.

"Fine- you know that girl i was talking about last night..? The one who drew me?"

"Oooooh yeah! Her picture was dope by the way," he burst out in laughter at the younger males statement and rolled his eyes.

"Yes.. Yes it was. But I accidentally ran into her on my way to the convenience store for some snacks." Jon explained, using his hands to help. He always talked with his hands. He then added, "but like- i actually ran into her.. She scraped up her knee really bad and stuff. After i patched her up and everything i offered to take her for coffee-"

"Ooooooooh- coffee- so like, a date?" Thayne cut him off.

This caused Jon to blush a small bit. "No! It wasn't a date!"

"You're blushing! Do you think she's pretty?"

"Wha- shut up... You'll find out for yourself soon enough.." He said the last part quietly.

A confused expression crossed the other individuals face as he tilted his head a bit. "What do you mean by that..?"

"I may have invited her to my party.."

"You w h a t?!" Thaynes eyes widened as he turned to look at him full on.

"I invited her to my party... As my plus one of sorts."

"O h my god- how- you j u s t met her!"

"Shut up! We talked about stuff! And i happen to know a lot about her now." He crossed his arms as he defended himself.

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