Chapter Nine

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Y/n's p.o.v

As they were on their way home, y/n explained everything to Jon. Everything about what happened during highschool and all of her baggage. By the time they got to jon's house, she was crying and her face was buried in his chest.

The car came to a stop, and Jon ended up just carrying her inside. She clung onto him and started to calm down a bit. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Y-you don't look at me any different... Do you?" She asked out of the blue.

He frowned a bit as he opened the door. "Of course I dont look at you any differently... Everyone goes through shit at some point.." He said softly.

She looked up at him and teared up again. "R-really..?"

"Yes really. That doesn't define who you are today, does it?" He smiled softly.

"I guess you're right... But I just.. Some people aren't as amazing and understanding as you..." She sniffled and a small smile spread across her lips.

"I know they aren't... People are shit nowadays... You've just gotta push them away and hold close everyone who is good." He said as he set her down on the couch. "I'm going to get you a change of clothes so you can shower... Feel free to look around or go bother thayne." He chuckled quietly before going to his room.

She sat criss cross on the couch and looked around his apartment. It was really nice. There were a few Hamilton playbills on the wall along with a couple west side story ones. She rubbed her face and took her hair down from the braids she had it in. She ran her hands through it to comb it out and shook her head a bit. It felt good to let it down after having it up all day. She then felt something be laid on the couch and looked over to see that jon had set down a pair of clothes.

"Here... I can show you where the bathroom is.." He spoke softly and held out his hand to help her up, which she thankfully grabbed. He helped her up with a warm smile before asking, "Are you feeling any better..?"

She nodded and picked up the clothes. "Y-yeah... I'm not as scared.."

"Well.. That's good. You'll be safe as long as you're here.. Ok? I'll make sure of that."

"Thank you again for letting me stay here... It means so much... Especially since we legit just met today.." She laughed quietly.

"Its no problem, really. I really enjoy spending time with you anyways," he smiled as he lead her to the bathroom.

"Well... I love spending time with you." She admitted before setting the clothes down on the sink. Jon pulled out a couple of towels from under the sink and set them next to the clothes before turning on the shower. He then left the bathroom so that she could do her thing.

She finished showering and put the clothes he grabbed for her on. They consisted of a flannel shirt and a pair of sweatpants. They were a bit big, but she didn't mind. It was actually pretty nice. She loved oversized clothes. They just had a different feel about them than other types of clothes have. She dried off her hair as much as she could before leaving the bathroom. When she went to the living room again, she found that jon had set up the pull out bed for her. It wasn't huge, but it was something.

When paths meet (Jon Rua x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora