Chapter Two

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Trigger Warning: small mention of past self harm

Y/n decided that since it was already 7, there was no reason for her to go to sleep. And so she decided to go to the store. She peeled herself from the chair she was sitting in and went to her room in order to change. She searched through her wardrobe and groaned when she couldnt find anything. That was until her eyes caught sight of a cute romper that she hadn't worn before.
(Shown At top of chapter)
It had sunflowers all over it and was a pretty shade of green. She decided that that was what she was going to wear.
She grabbed it out of the closet and made her way to the bathroom. She started the shower and quickly got undressed. She put her hair into a messy bun since today wasn't a hair washing day, and quickly jumped into the shower. Her music was playing, and mind over matter by Anthony Ramos started to play. He was one of her favorite people, next to Jon rua and daveed diggs, and the song instantly put her into a good mood.
After about 15 minutes, she hopped out of the shower and got dressed. She looked in the mirror and frowned a small bit. She could see the ghosts of scars on her arms and thighs.
Yes, she had been depressed at one time. She was actually really depressed. But for the past few years she had been getting better. She had actually been clean for nearly a year. This was a huge milestone, and the thought brought a smile to y/n's face.
She took her hair out of the bun it was currently in and began to brush through it. As she did she began to sing quietly to herself.

"Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates... So where do we begin...? I can finally see.. You're as fucked up as me.. So how do we win..?"

She put her hair into space buns and put a sunflower crown on top of her head.
"Perfect.." She said to herself before heading out of the bathroom.
She quickly grabbed her purse and slipped on on a pair of flats. She decided to check the time before heading out and saw that it was 9. "Wow.. That took longer than i thought," she said to herself and giggled.
She then headed out of the house.

As y/n was heading to a coffee shop called magnolias, she plugged in her headphones. She turned on a playlist which, ironically, was full of songs that jon rua had done covers of. One of her favorite songs that he covered began to play and she began to mouth the words.
She probably looked hella weird but honestly, who cares?
She was so caught up in her vibes that she didn't realize that people were starting to flood around her. She had her eyes cast down as she walked, and so when someone ran into her she couldn't stop herself from falling down. She cried out a small bit as her knee scraped across the concrete. At the sight of the blood her eyes widened and she gasped. She then looked up and felt Her heart stop.
The man who had run into her was knelt beside her and was frantically looking through his bag. As he did he continued to apologize over and over again.
"Oh my god I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you! I wasn't paying attention to where i was going and I was kind of preo-"
"H-hey! Its okay.. I promise. I wasn't looking where i was going either.." Y/n said as a sheepish grin crossed her lips. She was trying to focus on her breathing, so that she wouldn't end up coming off as crazy. Why? Because... Jon fucking rua was the man who ran into her.
"I really am sorry.. Let me help you get patched up," Jon said as he pulled out a small first aid kit.
"Y-you don't really have to do that.. I'll b-be fine..." She stuttered out in response. But, of course, he insisted.
Jon gently helped her up and walked her to a nearby bench. He then sat down, gently taking her leg and beginning to wipe all of the blood and dirt off of it. As he did, she winced and took deep breaths. It always hurt when someone used hydrogen peroxide.
When he finished he began to wrap it up tightly in bandages.
"I'm still very very sorry miss..." Jon said as he finished wrapping her leg. He used hand sanitizer on his hands before holding one out to y/n. "I'm jo-" he was about to introduce himself before she interrupted him.
"You're Jon rua.. Im one of your fans.." She said softly and smiled a bit. She took his hand and shook it before adding, "I'm y/n l/n."
A look of recognition crossed the mans features and his breath hitched. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "I know you.. I mean- you made me that picture last night."
She smiled and nodded. "Yeah... I didn't even think that you would see it to be honest.." She said quietly.
"I always look through my DMs and stuff, but yours caught my eye..." Jon chuckled quietly. "Anyways.... It wouldn't make sense for us to part ways now just to call later.... Since we're already together.. So would you want to go to magnolias for a cup of coffee..?" He asked her and smiled.
She smiled back and quickly nodded. "I would love too.. I was just headed there actually." She admitted.
Jon nodded and stood, helping her up as he did. He linked arms with her and they headed on their way to the coffee shop.

Word count: 979

Wow- this chapter is hella long 👀
If you guys like this let me know! I would love to here y'alls feedback. Especially if it's to help me improve!!
I hope yall have a good day!
-ezra (angel) 💙

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