Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Y/N's P.O.V

A few hours later, Y/n awoke to the sound of a loud crash. She could smell... Something in the air, but she wasn't able to figure out what it was. She thought it was some sort of food item though. That's for sure.

As she began to fully wake up, her eyes wandered around the room she was currently in. There wasn't much in it... But it looked like an old-looking room. It gave her a kind of cottage-y vibe if she were to be honest.

The wallpaper looked really old and it smelled of old books! That's what she couldn't pinpoint a few moments earlier. The room was filled with shelves of old books. Most of them looked like classics, but she couldn't be sure.

Where was she. It seemed weird for Dean to take her somewhere like this. He just didn't fit the part. And it scared her.

She realized that if she didn't expect to be in a place like this, no one would be able to find her. Not unless a miracle happened.

And at that thought her hope diminished.

She was never going to get out of there.

Her whole body jerked when she heard another crash, and her eyes began to quickly fill with more tears. A few whimpers escaped from her lips, which she just realized had been wrapped around tightly with tape.

The sudden sound of foot-steps filled the room a few moments later, and a door slammed somewhere behind her.

"So.. You're awake I see." His voice rang out around her.

She tried to move so she could see him, but seemed to be unable to. It was as if the chair were bolted to the floor.

"Don't even bother my dear. You won't be able to get out." His voice grew closer with each word until he was right behind her.

She began to whimper, which caused him to grab her hair rather roughly and pull it.

"Shut your damn mouth girl. You are forbidden to speak until spoken to, do you understand me?" His voice was harsh and rough.

The only thing she was able to do was nod, and he released her hair as she did.

"Good girl.. Now.. I'm going to explain to you what exactly is going to happen, ok?"

His face suddenly appeared in front of her and she squeaked, flinching the slightest bit. She quickly nodded so that he would not get mad at her.

"I am going to let you have free-roam of this room.. Read the books, sleep in the bed, even write if you want. But In return you have to do everything and anything I tell you to do. Ok?"

She nodded once again.

"Ok.. That seems like a done deal. Now.. It's time to go night-night again, alright my love?"

She whimpered as another rag was placed against her nose and mouth. The world quickly grew dark around her again.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a little rough but I hope to revise it soon. Maybe. Idk.
Anyways, stay safe y'all.
~ Ezra 🍄

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