Chapter Six

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Y/n's p.o.v

Y/n took a shaky breath as she was lead to one of the small groupings of people. This included daveed, emmy, and thayne. Thayne and Emmy had been talking excitedly about the show or something when they had approached, as she had heard the words 'hamilton' and 'wings' in their talk. Daveed was just listening to them with his arm around emmy, a small smile on his face.

"Hey guys," jon said and waved a small bit. "I want you guys to meet y/n."

At the mention of her name, she waved and smiled sheepishly. "H-hey y'all.."

"Hello again! No need to be nervous. We're not gonna bite-" thayne said with a smile, poking her cheek.

She blushed a bit and giggled quietly, a wide smile spreading on her lips. "Sorry... It's just.. I'm meeting legit like.. All of my idols.." She said quietly.

"Oh! I understand how that feels.. I mean.. I was the exact same way when Hamilton started." Emmy smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's how i met Daveed actually.. It was the first day of rehearsals and we just got to talking." She giggled quietly and smiled.

Y/n smiled a bit more, starting to feel a bit relaxed. "Yeah.. I honestly never thought i would get to meet any of y'all.. Let alone spend most of the day with my most favorite person ever-" as soon as she said it a dark blush crossed her cheeks.

Daveed chuckled and smiled. "It looks like you have a big time fan Mr. Hot stuff-" he playfully punched jon's arm with a wide grin.

"Shut up!" She could tell that jons face was red as well as he spoke.

"Okay okay.. I'll stop teasing you. Anyways.. I'm daveed. It's nice to meet you y/n." Daveed held out his hand for her, and she shook it.

His hands were big, almost twice as big as hers were. And they were really warm.

"It's nice to meet you too.. I mean.. I've been dreaming of this for years.." She spoke sheepishly as she let go of his hand.

"Oh really..?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Yes really! Ever since i first got into hamilton! Which was like.. The Christmas the year it came out!" She smiled wide.

"Woah.. So you've been a fan from nearly the beginning." Daveed chuckled.

"Yeah.. It's been there for me when other things weren't.. It's been a coping mechanism of sorts, if you could even call it that."

"Yeah.. It does that for quite a few people... I get messages all the time telling me how I've helped people." Thayne jumped in and smiled.

"I want to do that for someone some day.. That's why I'm studying theatre and music at the local college.. It's a huge dream of mine to be on stage one day and brighten up someone's life.. Like y'all did..." She said. She had ended up tearing up a bit, and she quickly wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry- I'm getting all emotional.. I always do this.. It's fine-"

"Hey.. No no, it's ok! It just shows how passionate you are about this." Emmy said and put a hand on her shoulder. "I think you should follow your dream! I bet you're going to be freaking amazing at it." She smiled.

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