Chapter Ten

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Jon's p.o.v

That morning, jon woke up at around 6, which was really fucking early. Especially for him. He yawned and got out of his bed, running his hands through his hair a bit. He turned off the alarm he had set and went to grab his clothes. The apartment was still dark as he walked through it to the bathroom, signaling that everyone was still asleep. When he made it to the bathroom, he quickly hopped into the shower and did what he had to do. When he got out, he wrote a small note to thayne.

It read:

Hey, I'm gonna head to the store for a bit. Get some things for me and y/n's date. I'll be back in an hour.


He left the note on the kitchen table before sliding his shoes on and leaving the apartment. He hopped on his motorcycle and started it. He turned on one of his playlists, and a song from his teenage years came on. It was always playing when it came out, and he couldn't stop listening to it. It had a special place in his heart. And so as he drove, he began to sing along.

"Ain't to words to describe you baby.. All I know is that you take me high... Can't you tell that you drive me crazy... And i cant get you outta my mind."

He blushed when he realized that that was exactly how y/n made him feel. From the moment he saw her, she made him happy. She made him feel something he hadn't felt since highschool.. And although it scared him, he felt like this was meant to be. They had legit ran into eachother... And it was as if their paths were meant to be combined. Or, as some would say it, their paths met.

Yesterday had definitely proved to him that his feelings were real. With everything that had happened, he didn't push back from y/n. He didn't even think differently of her. Unless you count his feelings toward her getting bigger.

"You light me up inside.. Like the fourth of July.. Whenever you're around.. I always seem to smile.. And people ask me how.. Well you're the reason why i'm, dancing in the mirror.. Singing in the shower."

He arrived at the store right as the song ended, which made his mood even better. He got off of his motorcycle and made his way into the store. He was planning on getting some things for the date along with some food to make for breakfast. Since y/n liked hash browns and waffles, he was going to get the ingredients to make that. As he walked through the aisles, he passed by the flowers and decided to grab a bouquet of roses and a couple of sunflowers. He placed them in the cart and went to the food aisles, grabbing whatever he needed as he passed it. He ended up grabbing some extra things too.

He was planning on doing a small scavenger hunt around the city for y/n that ended at a very beautiful river. He was going to pack a picnic and everything.. Since he felt that they both needed a nice day after what had happened the night before. And he wanted to make y/n feel special. She deserves to feel that way after all the shit that's happened in her life.

He grabbed some of her favorite snacks for a picnic once they got to the river before walking through the other aisles. He grabbed some cute things for her to find in the scavenger hunt before stopping by the jewelery. He had caught sight of one necklace in particular that he instantly fell in love with. It was one with two charms on it. One was of the Hamilton logo, the star with Hamilton pointing at the sky. And the other charm was of the phantom's mask. It was perfect. And so he grabbed it, not even caring how expensive it would most likely be. With that, he had everything, and so he went to the cashier and checked out. When he paid, he was surprised to see that it wasn't as much as he had thought. On his way out of the store, he looked at the receipt. There he found that the necklace was half priced. He was pretty sure it wasn't on sale, and when he looked on the back of the receipt his theory was proved to be correct.

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