Chapter One

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Jonrua1 liked your post. 3 m

Y/n took a shaky breath as she looked at the notification. Her eyes were wide and she couldnt believe what she was seeing. Jon fucking rua saw the drawing she had made of him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She then felt her phone vibrate once again.

Jonrua1 commented: Thank YOU! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

This caused y/n to lose her shit. She grabbed a pillow that was nearby and screamed as loud as she could into it. She c o u l d not believe that he had seen her drawing! It was as if a god rained a miracle down on her.
She decided to reply to his comment.

@jonrua1 of course!!! 💕

She then went to her dms, opening a group chat of her online Hamilton friends so she could fangirl to them about what had happened.

What.did.i.miss.yall: G u y s- guess what just fucking happened!

Hamiltoninthestars: let me guess- you're watching Hamilton again just to look for Jon rua Because he's
✨h o t✨?

Signed_by_a_demi_god: oh my god, you totally are, aren't you?

What.did.i.miss.yall: No ❤ b u t- it has to do with Jon rua. Y'all know that drawing I posted of him?

Signed_by_a_demi_god: owo?

Hamiltoninthestars: yeah..? What about it?

What.did.i.miss.yall: well... John fucking rua saw it and c o m m e n t e d on it!

After y/n had sent that, another notification popped up.

Jonrua1: @what.did.i.miss.yall anyway you could message me the picture ?

Y/n squealed when she read it and quickly replied.

@jonrua1 of course! I'll send it now. 💕

And that's just what she did. Legit a minute after she had sent it, he replied to her message.

Jonrua1: I love it. Thank you so much.

Y/n squealed and tried to take deep breaths. "It's gonna be okay y/n. Just breathe." She said to herself before responding.

What.did.i.miss.yall: Thank you! 💕

She then decided to send another message.

What.did.i.miss.yall: It means the world to me to know that you like it! I never would have imagined that you would see it!

Y/n went back to the group chat to see that everyone was freaking out about it.

Hamiltoninthestars: oh my god! H E shared it on his story

Signed_by_a_demi_god: owo I'm so jealous of youuuu y/n

Meli_loves_art_: I am so proud! My child got noticed!!

Matchabaguettes: you got ✨noticed✨ good job

Hamiltoninthestars: y/n!! You should take your ✨shot✨

Signed_by_a_demi_god: :O y e s! Take your shot girl!

Hamiltoninthestars: there's a chance he might fall for you!

Y/n shook her head and sighed. There was no chance in hell he would fall for her. Ever. She was just some lowlife.. And he was a star.

What.did.i.miss.yall: there's no fucking way I am gonna talk to him! He's jon fucking rua! And I'm just ✨me✨

After she hit send, she received another message from Jon.

Jonrua1: Well I do :)

Y/n squealed and covered her mouth. Before she could respond though, he messaged once again.

Jonrua1: hey.. Would you want to do a 1 on 1 call with me? I want to get to know the talented person you are.

This caused her to drop her phone and jump up off of the couch. She did a little dance and ran around the room. The whole time she was fangirling.
After about a minute or two, she responded.

What.did.i.miss.yall: I would love too! When would you want to do it?

Jonrua1: how about tomorrow..? At noon?

What.did.i.miss.yall: alright! I'll talk to you then!

Jonrua1: alright! I hope you have a good rest of your night!

What.did.i.miss.yall: I hope you have a good night too!

After sending this, y/n plopped back down on the couch and sighed happily. She was actually going to get to t a l k to Jon fucking rua! She held her phone to her chest and closed her eyes. She was genuinely happy for the first time in a while. When she finally decided to check what time it was, she realized that it was already one in the morning.
She decided that it was time to go to bed, and she turned off Instagram. But, of course, she got distracted. She had gone onto YouTube to find a playlist to listen to as she slept, but instead a video caught her gaze.
It was a video of jon rua dancing. She decided to watch it, and one thing led to another. The next thing she knew, it was 7 in the morning.

Word count: 771

A/n: hello! So, I noticed that there had not been many jon rua x readers, and so I decided to write one! You may be asking
"Ezra! What about your other fanfics?"
I am going to continue writing them, don't worry! I just have lost motivation for them a little bit. I will update them soon!
B u t- i hope y'all enjoy this! And yes- this is a different writing style then the normal x readers (and I'm sorry!)

Also! This chapter is based off of something that actually happened To me! Here are the screenshots

Also! This chapter is based off of something that actually happened To me! Here are the screenshots

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And yes that's my username (go follow me if y'all want 😊)

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And yes that's my username (go follow me if y'all want 😊)

But I hope you liked this chapter!
-ezra 💜💙

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