Diaval ask for forgiveness

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It had been almost 2 weeks since you and Diaval had gotten into the argument. Diaval has been blaming himself so much. Diaval wanted to apologize to you but he couldn't bring himself to face you. He could barely eat or get any sleep because of how badly the guilt was getting to him. It was a dark cloudy day as Diaval walked towards Maleficent's cave. As bad as he felt right now he couldn't let that stop him from keeping his promise to Maleficent. Once he got there he saw Maleficent standing at the entrance of the cave with a unpleasant look on her face. Diaval said  "Morning Mistress. Is something wrong". Maleficent yelled "YES SOMETHING IS WRONG. THE WAY YOU TREATED Y/N. HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT I'M MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR FAMILY". Diaval was taken aback by Maleficent's yelling. He asked in a shaking voice "How did you know about the argument between Y/n and I". Maleficent said while folding her arms "She told me when she came here crying her eyes out". Diaval muttered "I'm sorry". Maleficent sighed and said "You shouldn't be telling me sorry. You should be telling your wife your sorry". Maleficent turned to the side to reveal you and y/s/n sitting in the back of Maleficent. Diaval's heart began to hurt as he began to remember all the horrible things he said. He walked half way into the cave and stopped when he saw you start to tense up. He said "Y/n I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say what I said. You did nothing wrong and didn't deserve to get yelled at". You said while standing up "Why did you yell at me? I didn't do anything to you". Diaval said as tears began to form in his eyes "I was so stressed and that stress turned into anger. That anger I took out on you and I am not proud of it at all. Please come back". You said as tears fell down your cheeks "That's not an excuse Diaval". Diaval began to cry as he said "I know Y/n and I'm so sorry. You and y/s/n mean everything to me. I promise I'll take my anger out on you again". You walked up to Diaval and asked "Promise". Diaval held your hand and said "Promise". Then you two hugged and you all went back home. 

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