Connal watches your baby

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It's been 5 months since you gave birth to your twins and they were a hand full. Y/s/n would always try and pull on y/d/n's wings. Y/d/n is always wanting to be carried and never wants try and crawl like her brother. One late morning you were in your nest breastfeeding y/d/n while y/s/n kept trying to crawl out of the nest. You smiled and said "y/s/n you can't leave the nest. I haven't fed you yet". Connal came into the cave and smiled when he saw you, y/d/n and y/s/n. He said "I see that our little ones are up and active". You said "yep y/s/n keeps trying to leave the nest". Connal got into the nest and picked up y/s/n. Connal said "I use to try and crawl out of my parents nest when I was a little". You laughed at the thought of Connal being a baby then a long yawn escaped your mouth. Connal looked at you and asked "are you tired". You said "yes. Every since the twins have started growing their horns they barely sleep. So I've been staying up with them to keep them from crying". Connal said "how about after you finish breastfeeding both twins, you take a nap and relax and for the rest of the day. I'll watch the twins". You asked "are you sure Connal". Connal said "yes. They are my babies to. It's not fair that they get to stay with you all day". You laughed and finished breastfeeding both twins then took a well deserved nap.

Connal POV

I was letting the twins crawl around when y/d/n began to cry. I walked up to her and picked her which made her stop crying. I said to myself "I guess that you hate crawling". The y/s/n began to crawl over to me. Once he was near my wings he began to pull on my feathers, causing a few to fall out. I turned to him and said "don't do that". Y/s/n turned and began to crawl away from me. Y/d/n the began pulling on my dreads really hard, to the point that I though she's pull them out. I said "y/d/n stop pulling on my dreads or you'll pull them out". I go to turn back to y/s/n to see that he is outside the cave and about to go off the cliff. I quickly run to him and was able to pick him up before he went over. I said "what is wrong with you two. I think we need to spend some time outside". Then I walked down the mountain all the way to a patch of short cut grass and purple flowers. Y/d/n began cooing at all the flowers as y/s/n still kept try to pull on my feathers. I rolled my eyes and picked y/s/n up once again and walked over to his sister. I sat him down next to her and said "you two can play with these". I then handed them their favorite toys, a stuffed bear and a stuffed bird. Y/s/n instead crawled over to his sister and began pulling on her wings making her cry. I picked up y/s/n and said in a stern tone "no don't ever pull on your sister's wings like that again". I guess that got to him because right after y/s/n began to cry. I put y/s/n and y/d/n over both my shoulders and began to gently rock them to sleep which worked. I layed on my back putting the twins on my chest as they slept. I used my wings to cover them from the sun and soon I fell asleep.

Late afternoon

I felt someone gently shaking my arm. I opened my eyes and saw y/n smiling at me. I said "oh hey y/n how was your nap". She said "good and I see that you and the twins took one too". I sat up still holding the sleeping twins and said "these two were a lot of work". Y/n said with a smug look on her face "now you see how I feel". I stood up and said "yea, now let's go home before they wake up". Then you two walked back to your cave, trying not to wake the twins.

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