Udo wants kids

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You were running errands with udo since you were tired of sitting in the cave all day. You were gathering some water when you heard udo talking to some fey children." Ok children what is it you want to ask me" udo said. One child came up and said "how long have you and miss y/n been married". Udo smiled and said "2 years 7 months and 19 days". Another child said "do you want children". Udo said "yes, very much. Well children I need to go". All the children said bye as they flew away. Udo came up to you and you said "udo, you really want children". Udo smiled and said "yes, especially if your going to be the mother of my child". You smiled and said "well, then how about we try to start a family". Udo said "really, want to have a family with me, a fey, not a human". You said "well you married a human, is there something wrong with that". Udo smiled and said "nevermind, your right. We should try to start our family". You two began picking names as you walked up to the cave you two shared.

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