Udo proposes

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You and Udo were walking around a frozen lake. You smiled as you saw a pair of white bunnies running around together. Udo saw this and smiled at you. You then said "udo let's sit for a little". Udo nodded his head and you two sat on the snow covered ground. You laid your head on his shoulder and sighed as a light gust of wind blew through yours and udo's hair. You looked down to see the two same bunnies from before come to you and crawled on your lap. You laughed and then picked one of them up and said "look Udo, this one has your eyes". Udo smiled and took the bunny that was still on your lap and said "and this one has your eyes". You smiled and kissed udo's cheek and then you both put the bunnies down and let them go back to their home. Udo said "y/n, those bunnies remind me of us. I could tell they are mates just like us. But there is something I want to ask you". You turned to udo and said "what is it". Udo then pulled out a white rooted base ring with a blue diamond shaped sapphire. Udo hadn't even said anything and you were already starting to cry. Udo asked "will you marry me". You cried even more and said "yes". Udo smiled and put the ring on your finger then he began to tear up as well. You two hugged each other and cried with happiness. Soon you heard the winter animals starting to cheer with their animal callings. You smiled as the animals came closer and layied on you both. You and udo looked at each other and smiled as you two let the winter animals gather around you two in celebration of your proposal.

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