You go into labor(Connal)

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It was a late August afternoon and you were picking a few strawberries for dinner. You were 10 months pregnant which made you and Connal worried about the baby. After while of picking strawberries you walked back to the cave you and Connal shared. Once there you began to prepare dinner. Connal soon arrived with a dead deer. Connal smiled as he saw you and kissed your cheek. He asked "anything with the baby". You sighed and said "no, Connal I think something may be wrong. It's been 10 months, shouldn't the baby have came already". Connal rubbed your stomach and said "I know y/n but I'm going to be here for everything ok". You looked down and said "i'm afraid that we may lose the baby". Connal turned you so that you were now facing him. He cupped your face with his hands and said "don't say that, our baby is going to make it and be born healthy". You smiled a little until you felt a sharp pain shot through your body. Your knees felt weak as a liquid came from between your legs and you fell into Connal's arms. Connal asked with a worried look on his face "why what's wrong y/n". All you manage to say was "" before screaming in pain. Connal led you to your nest, laying you down on your back . Connal said "i'm going to go get help ok". Then Connal ran outside and soon brought back a forest fey elder. The elder took one look at you and said "connal get some clean water and blankets". Connal did as the elder asked. The elder moved your legs into position for when it was time for you to give birth. You asked "how long until the baby arrives". The elder said "by midnight the baby should arrive". Connal came back to you and placed the water and blankets next to you and held your hand.


You were now in so much pain. Connal wiped some sweat off your forehead. The elder said "ok y/n, it's time for the baby to come". Connal said "you are going to do great". Then you began to push and push and push until the elder said "ok y/n, that baby is almost here". Connal kissed the back of your hand and said "just a few more pushes". You gave the last few pushes everything you had ad finally the cries of a baby filled the cave. The elder wrapped the baby in green cloth and said "it's a girl". The elder handed the baby over to Connal, he smiled and said "look it's our girl. She's so beautiful". You smiled at the sight of your little girl but soon you screamed in pain again. Connal turned to the elder and asked "what is happening to y/n". Elder looked and said "there's another baby on the way". You said "I can't do this, not again". Connal said "y/n you can do this, we've waited 10 months so don't let the pain you feel right now stop you from delivering our miracles". After those words of encouragement you pushed harder than you ever could and cries of another baby filled the cave again. The elder wrapped that baby in a blue cloth and said "it's a boy". Connal took that other baby and asked "how about you name her and I'll name him". You nodded and said "her name will be y/d/n". Connal looked at your son and said "his name is y/s/n". You smiled and said "i love those names". Connal asked "do you want to hold them". You nodded your head yes and Connal handed you y/d/n and y/s/n. You smiled even wider as they cooed at you. Connal said "y/d/n has your skin color and my hair. Y/s/n has your hair and my skin". You said "they have your wings and horns". The elder said while cleaning up the afterbirth "y/d/n has your eyes Connal and y/s/n has your eyes y/n". You yawned from the exhaustion of giving birth and Connal took the twins then said "get some rest y/n. you need it". You then quickly fell asleep.

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