You and Diaval's Wedding

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For the past few weeks you and diaval have been preparing for the wedding. After you two were done with all the decorations for the past few days you two had been staying apart until the wedding. Finally the day came for you two to get married. Diaval wore his normal dress we

Diaval stood at the altar in front of all the moorfolk and darkfey. Diaval smiled to himself as his mind began to wonder about what type of dress you would be wearing. Soon after he heard the music start and saw you walk down the aisle. Diaval smiled even more when he saw how beautiful you looked. Once you got to the end of the aisle you gave your bouquet of flowers to one of the fairies and then turned ti diaval and held his hand. Maleficent agreeing to wed you two came up and said "today is the day that Diaval and y/n are wedded". Then she turned to diaval and asked "did you bring your vows". Diaval nodded and took a deep breath. He said "y/n from the moment that I saw you in moors i knew that you would feel the holes in my heart. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met and I never want to leave your side no matter what". You smiled as he finished and malifecent said "do you diaval take y/n as your wife". Diaval nodded then malifecent continued "do you y/n take diaval as your husband". You looked into diaval's dark eyes and said "yes". Then maleficent said "then as the protector of the moors I pronounce you two husband and wife. You may kiss the bride". After that you and diaval kissed all the moor folk and darkfey clapped and cheered at you two. You were happy that the man you love is now married to you.

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