Borra proposes

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You were running though a field of flower when you tripped over a rock and fell down a cliff. You screamed as you fell, landing on your arms,legs, and stomach. Finally, when you got to the bottom you hit your head on a rock and was unconscious. All this was scene by a mushroom fairy. He knew who you were and ran the way to the cave that borra and you shared. Borra was looking for you when the mushroom fairy came up to him yelling. Borra said "hello there, do you know where y/n is". The mushroom fairy said "she fell down big cliff, follow me". After that borra followed the little mushroom fairy to cliff you fell off of. When borra saw you his heart broke into a bunch of peices. Borra picked you up bridal style and flew all the way to ini's cave. He screamed "INI WHERE ARE YOU". Ini came up to borra and said "what's wro-". She stopped talking when she saw you in borra's arms then said "bring her to my nest, then wait outside while I fix her". Borra said "no ini, I cant leave her". Ini said "borra, she can die if her wounds get infected, trust me borra I will do my best to save her". Borra nodded his head as tears fell down his face and he walked out of the cave and sat down and began to cry harder. This grabbed the attention of his friend Udo who was flying by and heard borra crying. Udo landed next to borra and asked "what's wrong borra, I've never seen you try like this". Borra wiped a few tears away and said "y/n fell off a cliff and she could die udo". Udo put his hand on borra's shoulder and said "don't worry borra she will be ok"." Its not only that udo, today I was planning on proposing to y/n when she came back to the cave and now I may never lose her" borra said as he broke down again. Borra then pulled out a bronze based ring with a white pearl in the middle. Udo wrapped his arms around borra and said "I'll sit here with you, until ini comes out and tells you the news about y/n". Borra gave a small smile and accepted udo's hug. A few hours later it was night time and borra and udo sat there in the cold still waiting for the news about y/n. Finally ini came out of the cave said with a smile "borra, y/n is going to make a full recovery". Borra smiled and asked "what was her condition when I brought her here". Ini said "when you brought her here she had a fractured left leg, two broken ribs, dislocated right shoulder, both wrist were sprained, and her head had a large cut starting from her scalp to her left eyebrow". Udo said "that sounds like she was in a lot of pain, how is she now". Ini said "she is fine, she is awake if you want to see her". Borra ran into the cave and saw you lying on your back in ini's nest. Borra kneeled down to you and said "y/n how are you feeling".  You said "I feel tired and my head hurts, what happened to me". Borra said "you fell off a cliff". You lifted your hand as you battled with the pain to hold borra's hand which he excepted. Borra took a deep breath and said "y/n when I dont know when your wounds are going to fully heal but until then I have something to ask you". You said "sure borra". Borra pulled out the ring again and asked "y/n will you marry me". You looked at borra with teary eyes and then smiled and said "yes, but let's wait until all my wounds are fully healed to get married ok". Borra kissed your head gently and said "ok". Udo and ini stood behind you two and smiled. For the rest of the night borra never left your side for anything.

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