Diaval teaches your child how to fly

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Ok for this chapter, Maleficent has given Diaval the power to change into a raven as he wishes. Now to the story.

 Diaval POV

I looked out of the window to see how sunny it was. Y/s/n and Y/n were in the kitchen making lunch and I decided that it was time for y/s/n to learn how to fly. I walked out into the kitchen and couldn't help but smile as I saw y/s/n and y/n put flour on each other's noses. Y/s/n saw me and said, "Daddy, mummy put flour on my nose". I chuckled and said, "Yes, I see". Y/n put a hand on her stomach and said "Well the baby and I are starting to get hungry. So we can either continue to play in flour or help make lunch". I said, "Actually, I was going to take y/s/n out so I could teach him how to fly". Y/s/n's eyes lit up with excitement as he jumped up and down. 

Y/n giggled and said "Ok but be back within 2 hours. Lunch should be ready by then". I picked up y/s/n and walked off to high hill. I put y/s/n down and said "Alright y/s/n. I'm going to teach you how to fly. Now first we need to change into our raven form". I turned myself into a raven then y/s/n after trying for a little was able to turn into a raven. I said, "Now the first thing you want to do is open your wings". I opened my wings and y/s/n did the same. I said "Next start to flap your wings". I began to flap my wings and y/s/n began to as well but he was flapping his wings, hard. I said "No. Don't flap your wings that hard". Y/s/n then started to flap his wings slowly. I then said, "Now push yourself up. Like this". Then I started to push myself up and began to fly slightly above y/s/n. Y/s/n, after a few tries finally got the hang of it and flew by my side. My son and I flew past caves fey lived in, and past the large ponds and lakes. 

Y/s/n giggled and shouted, "Daddy this is so much fun". I laughed and said, "I know. This is one of the many reasons I'm glad to be a raven". We flew for about 2 hours and then finally went back home where y/n was standing outside, waiting for us. Once Y/s/n and I landed, we turned into our human forms and gave y/n a big hug. She asked, "How did it go?". Y/s/n said, "It was so much fun mummy. We flew above the moors. You should have been there with us mummy". Y/n kissed y/s/n's head and said "I wish so as well but I don't have wings. Now you can tell me more about how it went inside while we eat lunch". Then we headed inside where y/s/n and I talked about flying over the moors again. 

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