Borra teaches your child how to fly

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Your POV

"Mummy, measure me again, please," y/s/n begged, pulling on my dress. "But I just measured you an hour ago," I said. "But I grew mummy," y/s/n said, pouting. I sighed and took y/s/n over to one of the cave walls, where I started measuring y/s/n when he was a 1 year old. I gently pushed y/s/n up against the wall, took the dagger lying nearby, and marked y/s/n. I gasped in surprise as I looked at the new line. "Y/s/n, you were right. You did grow," I said, turning him to face the wall. Y/s/n clapped his hands and jumped around in excitement. "Yay, I grew mummy, I grew. Look. Look," y/s/n cheered. 

"Someone's happy," Borra said as he walked into the cave with a sack of fresh meat. Y/s/n ran up to Borra and hugged his legs. "Daddy! Daddy! I grew!" y/s/n shouted. Borra put down the sack and picked up y/s/n, then he walked over to the wall where I marked y/s/n's height. "You did. That means that your growing strong, just like your daddy," Borra said. Borra then put y/s/n down, walked over to me, and began to gently rub my 5-month-old baby bump. "How is our little one?" Borra asked. "Good. It kicks a few times," 

Y/s/n pulled on Borra's pants, getting his attention. "Daddy, I think I'm ready to fly. You said when I grow some more you'd teach me," y/s/n said. Borra looked down at y/s/n then back up at me. "Go ahead. The baby and I will be fine," I said, walking over to Borra and I's nest. "Alright," Borra said as he picked y/s/n up and walked out of the cave.

Borra POV

I walked to the top of the mountain and put y/s/n on the ground. "Alright, first stretch out your wings," I said. Y/s/n stretched out his wings really wide. "Daddy, why are my wings smaller than yours?" y/s/n asked. "Well, I'm bigger than you. Don't worry. You'll grow big and strong,"  I said. Y/s/n smiled at the thought of him growing to look like me. "Now flap your wings, slowly and push yourself up," I said. Y/s/n began to flap his wings and push himself up. Soon he was off the ground and was flying upward. "Look, Daddy!!! I'm flying!!!" y/s/n screamed as he continued to fly upwards. "I see. Now try and come back down," I said. 

Y/s/n began trying but wasn't having much luck. "I can't," y/s/n said, tearing up. "It's ok. Just push yourself downward. If you are scared, I'll come and get you," I said, reassuringly. Y/s/n took a deep breath and began to fly back down towards me. Once he was on the ground, he clapped his hands. "Ok we are going to jump off the mountain and fly around the mountain," I said, holding y/s/n's hand. He nodded, and together we jumped off the mountain. Once we got near the bottom, we opened our wings and glided above the ground. "Daddy, that was fun," y/s/n said, clapping his tiny hands together. "It was, wasn't it. Now let's fly around the mountain," I said, taking y/s/n's hand and guiding him around the mountain. 

Your POV

I hummed to myself as I sat in Borra and I's nest, rubbing my baby bump. Borra and y/s/n had been gone for a while and I was starting to worry. A large gust of wind came my way as Borra and y/s/n landed in front of the cave. They walked into the cave, smiling at one another. "So, how did it go?" I asked. "Good, he's a fast learner," Borra said, tickling y/s/n's stomach. "Daddy and I flew around the mountain," y/s/n said, running up to me and wrapping his tiny arms around me. "Sounds like you had a lot of fun," I said, smiling. Then y/s/n and Borra yawned at the same time. Borra walked over to me and laid his head in my lap. I looked down and saw that y/s/n and Borra had fallen asleep in my lap. I just laughed and stroked their heads, letting them continue to sleep on my lap.

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