You go into labor(Diaval)

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Warning for the next four chapters it will be based on child birth and if you don't want to read about it then just skip to the end. Enjoy.

It was a late April morning and you were sitting next to a pond, watching the different color fish swim around. You saw a blue and orange fish swim around with their babies. This made you turn to your 9 month old belly and rub it. You said "you know little one, your father has not stopped talking about your arrival. Whenever he gets the chance he talks about what you may look like or what your name will be. I think you are going to be birdman like your father". You smiled at the thought of Diaval and your child playing together. Diaval walked out from behind a few bushes next to you. He smiled when he saw you and sat next to you. He kissed your cheek and said "good morning y/n, how is our little one". You said "the little one is doing fine". Diaval put his hands on your stomach and said "you know, if he comes out to be a birdman like me then that means I get to teach him how to fly". You said with sassy tone "i think you mean she not he". Diaval smiled and even wider "It doesn't matter to me. As long as when it's time for the baby to come you and the baby will be ok". You were about to agree when a sharp pain shot through your belly. You felt a liquid come from in between your legs and knew that your water had just broke". You turned to Diaval with wide eyes and said "Diaval my water just broke". Diaval looked at you with wide eyes and you could tell that Diaval was starting to panic. He picked you up bridal style and ran towards Maleficent cave. Once there he screamed "MISTRESS ARE YOU HERE. IF SO I NEED YOUR HELP". Maleficent said "yes Diaval what's wrong". Maleficent looked at you and knew what was happening then she said "ok bring her in my cave and place her on this blanket". Diaval did as Maleficent said and asked "Mistress what do we do now". Maleficent said as she gathered clean blankets and water "y/n most likely isn't going to give birth for a while so for now just stay by her side and support her". You said while trying not to scream "Diaval....please.....don't". Diaval held your hand and said "don't worry y/n, I'm going to be here for everything". 

10 hours later, like late afternoon

"DIAVAL....IT'S.....SO....PAINFUL"you screamed as time came closer and closer to you giving birth. Diaval kissed your head and said "y/n I know and your doing so well ". Maleficent then checked to see how close the baby was and she said "ok, y/n it's time for the baby to come". You began to push as hard as you could and the pain was unbearable. After pushing a few times Maleficent said "you're almost done, one more push". You gave that final push everything you had left in you and screamed at the top of your lungs. Then Maleficent's cave was filled with the cries of a baby. Maleficent wrapped your baby in a brown cloth and said "it's a boy". Maleficent passed the baby to Diaval and he smiled and said "you did an amazing job, look at our little boy". You looked at your baby with half closed eyes and smiled. Maleficent asked "what is his name". You said "his name is y/c/n". Your baby had black hair just like Diaval and skin just like yours. Diaval said "I love you y/n". You said as you drifted off to sleep "I love you too Diaval".

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