Nsfw Alphabet - Conall

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Aftercare - After having sex, Conall will wrap his arms and wings around you and kiss your head. He'll ask you how you're feeling and if you need anything.

Body Part - Conall doesn't have a preferred body part on himself. However, he does like your hips and thighs. He likes to kiss, squeeze, and bite them.

Cum - Conall likes to cum inside you, your mouth, or between your thighs.

Dirty Secret - Conall has fantasies about having sex with you while you're cooking.

Experience - Conall has some experience. Before you two met, he had a mate. However, she was killed by poachers, and ever since, he hadn't been with anyone until he met you.

Favorite Position - (Look, I don't know the names of these positions, so I'm just going to explain them) Conall likes to have you pushed up against a wall and have your legs wrapped around his waist.

Goofy - Nope, he's very serious.

Hair - He stays on top when it comes to managing his appearance.

Intimacy - Conall is a very romantic kinda guy. However, if you ask, he'll definitely get rough with you only if you ask, though.

Jack Off - Yep. He most certainly would. He'd jerk off when either you're not around or if you asked him to.

Kink - Conall has a kink for JOE/JOI (Jerk Off Encouragement/Jerk off Instruction), exhibitionism (Public Sex), and queening (Riding his face, basically).

Location - Just like Diaval, Conall likes to have sex in public. He likes to have sex in both the Moors and Ulstead. If it's in the Moors, it'll happen either against a tree or in the grass. If it's in Ulstead, it'll happen in a dark alleyway or, one of Conall's favorites, on a rooftop. Now, if it's in your cave, it'll either be in your nest, against one of the cave walls, against the table or the counter.

Motivation - Conall is a little different from the others. He likes being teased. So, slowly stripping off your clothes is one way to get him pretty hot. If you really want to get him hot and bothered, strip off all of your clothes, sit on the table or counter with your legs spread apart, and start to play with yourself while maintaining eye contact with him. Now, if you're in public, then casually rubbing against Conall's abs or groin will work.

No - Nothing that has to do with hurting you. Especially nothing that has to do with tieing you up, slapping, or choking you. It reminds him too much of the way his last mate died.

Oral - Conall likes to receive and give oral. He has no problem with either.

Pace - It depends on where you are. If you two are in your cave, Conall will take his time. If you're in Ulstead, Conall will try to make it quick. If you're in the Moors, Conall will treat it as if you're in your cave. He will take his time.

Quickie - Conall will only do a quickie if it's in Ulstead. This is because he is more comfortable in the Moors than in Ulstead, but when he's horny, he's horny.

Risk - Conall is open to trying new things, but he has limits. Anything that involves hurting you is a straight-up no-no. However, he's ok with something like provocative clothing and seducing him while he's busy.

Stamina - Conall can last for quite a while. He can last 45 minutes and about 3-4 rounds on a good day.

Toys - (Again, do they even have those in that world?) No?

Unfair - Conall is never intentionally unfair. He might unknowingly go slower, but it's never on purpose.

Volume - Conall is a loud groaner but not much of a moaner. He can get loud but stays at a moderate volume most of the time.

Wild Card - (I still have no idea what this is.)

X-Ray - Conall is in between average and large, nothing too crazy.

Yearning - Conall likes to have sex every four days, but it's not required to satisfy him.

Zzzz - Conall will need a few minutes of sleep before going around. However, if you really tire this boi out, he'll need like a whole night's worth of rest.

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