Epilogue: Finding Home

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After weeks of traveling the country. Staying far away from civilization and looking for the perfect place... we finally found it. It had been days since we had come across any type of big town. There was a small town somewhat close by. But not nearly close enough to ever worry about someone finding us.

We knew it was home the moment we layed our eyes on it. We crested the hill and found before us a gigantic and lush field of wild-growing wheat, its golden stalks shining in the early morning sun.

In the middle of the field, was an old abandoned cottage. Hand in hand the two of us made our way through the field. I closed my eyes and took in the early morning scent. using my other hand to glide it through the golden plants.

We walked up to the cottage and found it in decently good shape. It would need a bit of fixing, but we would have everything we would need to do that from the forest close by. It would take a lot of work, but we could make this place our home... but I did not need a place to be home... as long as I had my giant, under a rock could be home for all I cared.

I stepped up on the porch and looked around at the miles of stretching land. It was all ours, and we could grow anything we ever wanted. Both of us had been through so much, and while we still held sadness in our hearts for the people we lost, we also held happiness for the times we got to spend with them and the time we got to spend with each other now. It was time to start our lives anew.

I turned over to my giant, who was moving his large hands through the golden stems of the plants surrounding us. He looked up at me and noticed me staring lovingly at him.

His bandages were long gone, there were plenty of scars left behind, but he was still the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I motioned him closer with my head and he lumbered forward.

He stayed on the ground and with me on the porch I was actually about eye level with him. I reached up, taking his scared cheeks in my hands and pulling him close.

Kissing him on the lips.

The End

Dark NightsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz