Guarded or Hunted?

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The next morning for you was pretty much an exact repeat of yesterday. Although you were more tired than you were yesterday. You were up for a few hours later, thinking of the explosion. You had known a lot of the patients and staff from your volunteer work at the hospital. Knowing that lots of those people you knew were dead made you extremely sad.

However, you tensed your shoulders and got up, threw the thoughts from your head, did your morning routine, had a small bite to eat and was out the door again. The ten-minute walk was of one of silence. Your mind wasn't fully awake so you were just thinking about whatever your music made you think of.

The cold nipped at your ears and made your cheeks numb, but other than that it did not bother you. Before you knew it you were at the school, and to your surprise, there were cop car's around the outside. You guessed you could understand that considering what happened yesterday. So you just assumed that the police were there for school protection, shrugged and walked into the building.

The first few classes flew by in a blur. You not paying any attention in them. Which was probably a bad thing but you didn't really care at the moment. You especially didn't care about the math. It was like when you listened to the teacher all you heard was Trombones like in Charlie Brown. You paid slightly more attention in chemistry, but not by much, which led you to accidentally exploding your little glass dish by mistake.

Then after the first two classes, it was finally time for criminal psychology. You rushed to your class, excited to start your lesson. You were there early so it would be another minute or two before class actually started. So you pulled out your book and was reading for the remaining time. Students slowly filed in right before the bell rang and a few more even after that.

Your teacher took roll and walked up to the front of the class. She was an older woman, about the early sixties, with graying black hair and glasses. She physically looked her age, but her voice, attitude, and stance were more of a thirty-year-old who was ready to leap into a brawl. She looked around at the class silently and suspenseful for a minute before speaking.

" Class... today we will be learning about Psychopath vs sociopath differences." She said on a dark note. The class remained silent, but you could tell that the whole class was on the edge of their seats in anticipation...more or less anyway. She turned back over to the board and started writing down characteristics.

" Both are considered under the category of Antisocial personality disorder. Both having traits of little regard to law and others, violence, aggressiveness, remorselessness and lack of guilt and relationships with others. Now, the differences between them are that sociopaths tend to be more erratic and impulsive in behavior. This leading to them being careless when committing. a crime, leaving behind evidence and usually getting caught. They are more likely to have violent outbursts. Their traits usually are picked up from their environment, such as heavy negativity in their lives during young ages and staying with them as they grow. They can form bonds, usually with family members or with a certain type of people."

She stopped with what she was writing on the board and turned around to regard the class again. You were ready to drink up all the knowledge she provided, already soaking in the ones she just provided. ". Now psychopaths tend to be born with their traits, They are more calculated and are known to be very charming and manipulative. They, unlike Sociopaths, are unable to form real relationships with people. They may have little, artificial relationships for a short period of time, but to them, all people are is pawns for them to use. They have been known to form long term relationships all the while pretending while the other people are usually unaware of their true intentions.

You didn't know why, but you greatly disagreed with that statement. She most defiantly knew more than you and probably knew what she was talking about. However, you just couldn't agree with what she just said. Saying that they all were like that, No two people were ever the same, everyone was unique in one way or another. You just had trouble agreeing with the term " They all are unable to." You didn't know why, but you just couldn't.

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