The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb

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Destiny's eyes went wide with surprise. She reached behind her, pulling out a pistol and trying to aim it at me, but I was too fast. I knocked her hand to the side as she fired, and the bullet hit somewhere else in the room.

She screamed in rage, trying to turn her arm around so that she could fire at me again. I growled out behind clenched teeth and used one of my glass shards to slice the hand holding the gun.

She screamed in pain, dropping the weapon where it clanked on the ground. She screamed again in frustration and I used one of my feet to kick the gun across the room where it slid over next to the still tied up Charlie.

Who was looking around at what was happening with wide and terrified eyes. Destiny pushed me back and we both held attack stances. Both of our eyes full of fire never left each other.

I held my glass shard up, ready to attack or defend myself as she slowly pulled out a knife from one of her pockets. We stared at each other in suspense for a long moment. I could hear both of u breathing heavily over the sound of blood roaring in my ears. Both of us were waiting for the other to make the first move.

Destiny suddenly charged at me with a cry, her knife hand raised high to stab me. I retreated back, staying out of reach of the charge and moving to the side.

She ran past me and I used one of my glass shards to slice her along the side. She moved away mostly and I only really nicked her, but blood still started dripping out of her wound and staining her clothing.

She snapped around so that we were facing each other again, and w were back to square one. She took a menacing step forward, and I took one back. her jaw moved to the side as she ground her teeth together.

I stared into her bright brown eyes with my E/C ones. I had never in my entire life seen so much hatred burn in those eyes before. Before everything happened, those eyes were filled with joy and sadness. I never could have guessed what they truly held.

I remembered the childhood I had with her. How she was my most trusted friend growing up. How for a long time it had just been the two of us through many schools as he rose up through grades.

I felt no sadness for those memories. I only felt pure, unrelenting rage, and loathing for this person in front of me. She may have once been my friend, but she hurt everyone I ever loved. She was going to pay with her life.

She charged again, and I was not able to get out of the way in time. She knocked me to the ground, straddling me so that I was trapped underneath her, and raised her knife high again.

I grabbed onto her wrist to keep her from stabbing me. It was a battle of strength as she tried to overpower me, and I tried to keep the knife from ending my life.

The insidious tip was slowly lowering closer and closer to my neck, and she put her other hand down on the handle to use more force.

I bit onto my tongue hard enough to make the flesh split so blood now pooled in my mouth. I pit the red glob up into her face and she cried out in shock. One of her hands going down to my face as her nails raked me across my jaw and down my neck.

She was blinded by my blood for a moment. She screamed in rage and tabbed down at me again. I tried to catch her writ but missed. Quickly I tried to move my head to the side and the knife stabbed into the concrete next to my neck. Slightly slicing my skin and making blood drip out of me.

It stung slightly, but the amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins made it almost unnoticeable. I was fighting for my life, and a little cut was not going to slow me down even if it was concerningly close to my jugular.

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