Welcome to Hell

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Right after detective Dollin said those words to you, you were grabbed by the guards and pushed out of the police station. Right outside of the entrance a bus was already waiting. quietly humming as hit sat still. Once you got close enough you could see the barred windows, and the shadow's of figures already inside.

The doors opened with an ear piercing squeak and you were shoved unto the steps. You stumbled at first before you got your bearings and climbed into the vehicle. Once you were inside it smelled of cigarette smoke and disinfectant. You coughed as the smell hit you in the face and one of the guards that were already on the bus glared at you.

You let out a smaller cough under your breath before being pushed again by the guards coming up the steps. You moved forward a couple of steps to give them some room before facing forward again. There were four more people on the bus, three of them were men and then there was a bit of an older lady in the back.

One of the men was heavily restrained and looked as if he might snap at any moment. One of the other men and the old woman just looked disturbed, and the last man, who looked to be about middle-aged, looked like he was completely normal. You could not get any more details though because you were shoved forward again.

You were walked a couple of feet, past the gate separating the driver from the patients, and seated on the first seat to your left. All of the other patients were behind you now. You could feel the eyes of all of them on you as the guards secured more chains to your ankles, and locked you in place in the seat.

Once you were secured, the heavily secured man who was a couple of seats behind you began to screech. Thrashing in his restraints and making the chains that covered him rattle madly. A spike of fear shot up your spine, afraid that the chains holding him would break and he would leap at you.

You twisted around despite the restraints as some of the guards shot passed you. The man was is a straight jacket, but that didn't stop him from flinging his torso around. Specks of white foam flew from his mouth and you had to flinch to the side to avoid getting hit by some of it.

By now the commotion had gotten to the other patients as well. The disturbed man started to growl out incoherent mumbles while the older woman was whimpering out gibberish. The last patient on the bus, the middle-aged man, hadn't moved a muscle throughout all of it. He just stared at the back of the drivers head with an almost Insideous look.

You looked back at the guards with the upset patient, just in time to see them stick a needle into his neck. Whatever they put in him had an immediate effect. He stopped thrashing as soon as the substance entered his bloodstream and hung his head down as foam continued to slide down his chin and hit the floor. At this, the other patients stopped their fits as well.

You stared at the man in shock, what had set him off? You had a lot of questions as the bus slowly started to move. You looked out of the barred window and saw detective Dollin at the front entrance to the police station. He was giving you a worried look that was telling you to watch yourself. That's all you could make out though as the bus pulled out of the parking lot, and headed east.

You looked out of the window as the bus made its way through your home town. You saw places that you had been to before. Places you would go to with your friends and family, and it made you even more scared. You wanted to see and talk to your family, try and get them to help you. To stop these people from taking you away.

You wanted to talk to destiny. You didn't know what she meant by " He made me do it." but you knew it was not good. The cuts on her arms only proved it. You needed to get to her and make sure she was ok. The person who hurt her could be hurting her again. But there was nothing you could do, to get to her or your family. You were by yourself.

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