Not so bad anymore?

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Three days after the fiasco at the garden you sat at a little round two-person table in the main room of the eighth floor of the institution. It was currently now free time among the patients. They already had courtyard time and their lunch, so now it was time for them to do whatever they pleased, allowed by the institute of coarse.

You sat across from Eliot at that small little table, playing the simple yet entertaining game of connect four. Elliot did not like complex games, as he got frustrated very easily. You Looked down at your wrapped up left hand. It would take a while to heal, but you were just glad that no bones were broken.

Even though it hurt like Hell, in the end, it was worth it, after all, you gained a friend. Well, actually you were still working on that, but now he actually let you be around him and do things with him.

You smiled at him as you let him win another match of the small game. His eyes flicked up to you, wide and full of what seemed to be a little confusion. It was like he did not know what it meant to win. Which was understandable with what you heard from his past.

" Well, Elliot, what would you like to do now." You asked the giant across from you. As usual, though he made no move or any noise other than that big breathing of his. He just continued to stare at you with slightly wide eyes.

You hummed in thought for a second before a light went off in your head, you knew something that might be fun! if the institute had it of course.

" Oh! I know, wait here I will be right back." You stood up from your chair and headed to the other side of the room where a big shelf filled with books stood. You looked through the books, trying to see if they had the one you had in mind. You didn't find it after a minute and huffed.

You looked to your right and saw Willy sitting in a chair a few feet away reading a book himself. He had his muzzle wrapped tightly around his face and you noticed with surprise that he was actually chained to the chair.

Taking a quick glance to the sides you saw a few more guards were around this area than anywhere else in the room. Coming here you thought Elliot or Joshua was the most dangerous, but maybe it really was Willy.

Well, you figured if anyone would know if that book was here it would be him, might as well give it a try. After all, he wouldn't bite, right?

You mentally punched yourself in the face for that one.

you took a deep breath and walked over to the intimidating man. From the corner of your eye, you could see Eliot still at the table watching you.

Willy did not acknowledge your presence at all as you walked up to him, you stood by his chair for a minute, not quite knowing how to word your question to him.

" Um... Hi Willy, do you know if there is a-"

" Bottom of the shelf, very left." He said quickly, not even looking up at you. He flipped to the next page of his book. You stood in the same spot for a minute, dumbfounded. You had not even told him what you were looking for. You eyed him suspiciously for another second before turning around and following his directions.

You knelt down at the end of the bookshelf and started reading the titles. Your eye's almost immediately landed on the book you were looking for. A guide on Garden Flowers.

You pulled it out with wide eyes and then quickly walked back over to Willy, holding it out as you got to him.

" How did you know what I was looking for?" You asked quickly, and to be honest, a little bit frightened too. He sighed through his nostrils before putting his book down, using a finger to keep his page. He looked up at you with his frigid blue eyes, obvious annoyance in his blue orbs.

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