Nighttime Reassurances

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When I woke up, I was still in Elliot's arms. I don't think he knew I was awake yet as I did not move and my head was facing downwards. My body moved back and forth slightly as he breathed.

Both of his large hands were on me, yet I felt no danger whatsoever. They each gripped me by a shoulder to keep me from falling over. I took in a deep sigh through my nostrils and shifted around so I could look up at him.

His brown eyes were wide as he looked down at me, and he shifted a little bit underneath me. His mouth opened and closed a few times as if he was trying to find the right words. I stayed quiet as he did so. Wanting him to see that I would be patient for him.

" Sleep... Good?" He asked. I smiled up at him.

" The best sleep I have had in a long time. Thanks, Elliot." I replied and his mouth twitched into an awkward smile. I heard the front door to the house open and close and I knew then that Willy was back. I stood up and stretched slightly before looking back down at Elliot.

" I think Willy is back, lets go see what he's got," I said, Elliot nodded and stood up, and I furrowed my brows at the worried expression on his face. " What's wrong big boy?" I asked him.

His eyes darted side to side but never met mine. He also brought his hands close to his chest as he fumbled out some incoherent sounds. After a minute of this he shyly held his hand out to me, and I knew what he wanted.

I giggled a little at his behavior and took his large hand in my own. His hands were colossal compared to my own, mine was almost like a child compared to his. I led him out of the room and down the hall where I heard Willy shuffling about. The floorboards creaked underneath our every step, and I never realized how musty it smelled in here.

We entered the living room and see Willy setting up a makeshift table. On the table was a pizza box and my stomach growled so loudly that Willy turned up to us with a smile.

" Ah, there you are! I was just about to come to get you. Come on and sit down. Now I know this is not the best house but I expect top table manners from both of you." He said and Elliot and I stepped forward. I took my seat next to Willy and Elliot carefully sat down next to us. I was almost afraid that chair would break underneath him, he practically had to hunch a little bit to fit at the small round table.

" Unfortunately we don't have any plates, so just dig in I guess," Willy said scratching at his hair and I immediately opened the box in excitement. It was my favorite type too! this day kept getting better and better.

" Have you ever had pizza Elliot," I asked, looking up at him.

" No." He replied, shaking his head and his dark curls bounced around his head.

"You breaking my heart." I said to him and his eyes got wide and he leaned back, almost tipping his chair over.

" I'm! I'm sorry!" He cried out in a gruff voice and I quickly brought my hands up and set them comfortingly on him.

" No! no! no! You're not really breaking my heart! I just meant that it makes me sad that you've never had it before. I'm not upset at you in the slightest!" I quickly said to him and his shoulders relaxed a little. I got a slice and held it out to him, showing him how to hold it.

He took it and looked at it for a minute before opening his mouth wide and taking a bite right out of the center. Not off of the tip, no right out of the center and leaving a gaping hole in the middle of it. I decided not to say anything as I held in giggles and I heard Willy chuckling under his breath.

" Do you like it?" I asked him and he looked at me before shrugging his shoulders and taking another bite. I took a slice of my own and for his sake, took a bite from the middle. I practically scarfed it down with how hungry I was.

Dark NightsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon