Punished for sticking together

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Two days later everyone was sitting in the group room, well everyone except for Ben. He was absent and you had a feeling he would not be coming back.

Elliot was hunched slightly into himself in his seat. His cut up and bruised face adding to his permanent snarl. He was biting his lip again, chewing on it harshly and making it bleed to the point of it dripping. Staining his white patient shirt with crimson droplets. His signature heavy breathing being one of the two sounds in the room at the moment.

The cuts across his nose had needed stitches, which he had more than once scratched at, trying to tear them off. Next to him, the Doctor sat glumly in his seat, staring at his papers as he read them through, not saying anything even though the group technically started more than ten minutes ago.

Willy looked at you curiously over his muzzle. His bright eyes scanning you over, your body language telling him more than your words ever could.

Next to you, the Twin Joshua sat very still with his head high and his eyes shut. Breathing calmly through his nose. Next to him his brother twitched and rapidly tapped his foot against the tiled floor in impatience. His eyes flicking from you to Elliot to the Doctor, his brother then back to you again.

Finally, the Doctor sighed through his nose and leaned forward, taking in everyone in the room in silence for a moment, before speaking up and telling everyone what they were probably thinking.

" Benjamin has been transferred to a different facility, the one that he should have been sent to in the first place, where he will have a personal Doctor and no others to get Jealous over." At Benjamin's name Elliot let out a small growl, but the Doctor only shushed him. Jack sneered.

" As he should have been? Y'all should have just let my brother and I snap his neck in the courtyard then he'd be absolutely no one's problem anymore." He said through narrowed eyes at the Doctor. Before the Doctor could reply Willy beat him to it.

" That's all you two oafs think about, is it? Killing killing killing all day every day, at this rate you two are going to be in here the rest of your lives until you are put down like dogs." Jack snapped up at Willy's remark, his eyes wide and full of murder.

" And just what did you call us you Pompous bitch? Call us dogs one more time and we will tear you apart limb from limb!" Jack snarled at Willy who only replied with a clicking of his teeth from behind his muzzle.

" Enough!" The doctor shouted in anger, his yell bouncing around the room. Jack closed his mouth and willy stopped clicking his teeth. Everyone looked at the Doctor.

" There's more news... Elliot and Joshua are going to be refined to their rooms for the next week, not including group and shower time. He explained to you all.

you would not be seeing Elliot for a week minus Group? That was not fair, He was just defending himself! You went to voice that thought to the Doctor when someone else beat you to it with a different thought of their own.

" Just Joshua? what about me?" Jack asked the doctor with a glare that said he was imagining bringing great pain to pretty much everyone in the room.

" No." The Doctor replied " You are not going to be refined to your room, in fact, you're getting a new one." The doctor stated to which jack raised his eyebrow but did not lose his glare.

"you're moving me to a different part of the hospital?" He asked confused, and the doctor shook his head.

" No jack, your new room is going to be at the Corrin Institute... on the other side of the country." The whole room seemed to explode at once. The twins shouting profanities and threats at the Doctor while thrashing around in there seats like...madmen.

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