Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot

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" What I want?" You whispered. No, not even that really. It was tempting to reply to him the same thing he had just said to you. That it did not matter what you wanted, nobody here cared what you wanted.

You wanted to scream at him, to yell at him to explode at him. You wanted to for him to stop looking at you like he knew what you felt... but maybe he did.

You knew nothing, absolutely nothing about this man. And until yesterday you had no idea in Hell that Joshua was ever into the musical and vocal arts.

Who is to say what this man has gone through, other than the man himself? You copied his movements from a moment ago. Straightening your back and looking him in the eyes, and smiled.

" I want to go home." You cried. Oh and the tears how they came flooding. How they came and came, dripping down your face, stinging your eyes and making you sob.

" I know honey... I know." Willy said, with the most tender voice you had ever heard from him. It was soft as if he was trying to comfort a small child.

Then, he reached out and wrapped you in his arms. Your breath hitched and you went as stiff as a board. Where was this coming from? why was he being So understanding? Why was he so damn confusing?!

But you allowed yourself to sink into his hold. You pressed your head into his chest and let him rock you side to side slightly as your body shook with cries and tears bled into his white patient's shirt.

You were suddenly shoved out of his arms with a screech reaching your ears. You stumbled to the ground and looked up to see the dark haired girl breathing heavily as if she had just run a Marathon. Her fists were clenched so tight that blood dripped out from the tight digits and dripped onto the clean floor.

Her dark bagged eyes were wide and slightly covered by her frizzled black hair. You saw her teeth grinding together slowly back and forth. She took in a loud obnoxious breath.

" Don't you touch him!!!" She shrieked at you. " You don't deserve to touch him!!" She towered over your knocked down form. Willy layed a hand on her shoulder softly, though his eyes were cold.

" Now now Olivia that's no way to treat others. Lets not act like savages now." He said, reaching down to offer you a hand up. you glared up at Olivia and took his hand.

She screamed again as soon as you did though, moving to leap upon you, but she did not get far as Willy grabbed onto her ebony locks and pulled her back.

Guards rushed forward then, where were they when she first shoved you?! They grabbed the both of them and locking them in chains before dragging them away. Willy gave you one last look before being dragged off.

So that was why she was always glaring at you. because you were in a group with Willy? What was her deal with him? She obviously was head over heels for the man.

" Here, let me help you." A voice said, and a large hand was extended down to you. You looked up to see the big form of Henry, the patient that started a conversation with you a while home. The patient that Joshua warned you to be wary of. He smiled down at you, and you decided it would not hurt.

You smiled back and took his hand. He lifted you up off of the ground easily. You offered him a small thanks and wiped some of the dirt that had gotten onto your clothing.

" Sorry about Olivia, she gets attached to any guy that smiles at her. She's been drooling over Willy since the first day she came here. Too bad the man has absolutely no interest in her whatsoever." He chuckled. His large shoulders jumping as he did so. He stopped and leaned down close to your face, causing you to stiffen while looking into his light brown eyes.

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