The Man that was Hiding His Face

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Today marked the one month anniversary of you getting back home. And the three-week mark since the institution's patients all broke out. There had been little to no more news about the events, or the missing patients, so you knew nothing about anything right now.

You've opened up to your family a bit more. You still felt like an Alien, but with how supportive your family was being, and with how much you had missed them when you were gone it was a little easier for you.

You were still a total shut-in, but it was not like you were not even there anymore. Today your younger brother and older sister were going to go out for ice cream, and later tonight, dinner with the whole family at your favorite restaurant.

You could not lie, it felt kind of good to be back in society again, you missed Elliot, Willy, and Joshua dearly. Often crying yourself to sleep many nights, but you could only wait and see what the events came to.

Detective Dolin said that he would keep a close eye out for them since he knew they were your friends. A part of you kind of hoped they would stay hidden though, you did not want them to be found just to be shoved back in an asylum.

You also told the Detective about what happened with Destiny, and what she told you. He listened very carefully to what you had to say. He said he would keep a close eye out and send some guards near your house soon. He also said he would visit destiny and see if she would talk to him.

You walked in between your siblings as the three of you made your way downtown on foot to the icecream shop. You guys had a car, you just figured it would be a better experience to walk.

You jumped a little as you felt your little brother's hand slip into yours. You looked down at him in shock for a moment before bringing a somewhat genuine somewhat forced smile onto your face.

You took his smaller hand in his and not even a minute later your sisters hand slipped into yours. You knew they loved you so very much, you felt it and saw it through their actions.

You hoped that they knew that you loved them too, but you just could not be the most showing about it right now. Not because you did not want to show them... but... you know why.

Now when you say ice cream shop it was more like ice cream truck with a little sitting area outside. The three of you got into line and you looked at the menu.

There were a couple of interesting flavors. One in particular catching your eye. It was a flavor you had always liked. When it was your turn to order you order that in your chosen size. Your sister stayed upfront at the truck while your brother and you slipped away to get a nice shady table.

You picked one not too far from the line itself. There were a decent amount of people here, but not to the point where it was packed. If it was you would have turned around the moment you had seen it. That's what you were worried about for later. You really hoped a ton of people would not be at the restaurant.

Your sister set all the ice cream down and took her own seat. She started in conversation, but it was your brother who did all the replying. They talked about school and what kind of electives he was going to get into since he was out of elementary now.

He seemed excited to talk about what he wanted to do, asking her for tips and pointers and what she did when she was his age. He turned his head to you to ask what you suggested but quickly stopped himself.

You felt a little bad that he felt like he could not talk to you, but you preferred to stay quiet. You patted his shoulder gently and continued to eat your treat.

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