Elliot's story Part 2

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Elliot watched from the treeline as his siblings splashed in the creek. his parents layed on a blanket as his mother put together some sandwiches. His sisters screamed in delight as his brothers splashed them with the cold water.

He blinked at them with wide brown eyes. Why were they screaming? it was just water. He tilted his head slightly, they did not want him over there with them but they did not trust him to be alone at the house.

Mama was afraid that he would get out of the cellar and do something. So here he was now, not allowed to be or there and play in the water or eat any of the lunch. Not allowed to leave though either.

He let out a big huff. the breath blowing some of his bangs out of his face. He let his gaze go over to his mama and papa. His stomach growling loudly when he saw the assortment of foods they had layed out.

He was so hungry, his stomach hurt so badly. He needed something in it or it might just digest itself. He circled around the area going on the other side of the creek where they were set.

Maybe, just maybe if he blinked his big brown eyes enough at mama she would give him some. He quietly walked up to the other side of the blanket, still keeping his distance a little so mama did not throw anything at him.

She saw him from the corner of her eye, looking or and gasping as she saw how close he was. She flinched back away from him.

" What are you doing!? Get back now you animal! Craig!" She screamed. Papa sprung to his feet, advancing on Elliot with a rather large stick. Elliot flinched into himself even though he was a lot larger and scurried back into the trees with a whimper.

His siblings stopped splashing as they watched their father chase Elliot back into the trees. Returning back to his wife when the beast was nowhere to be seen anymore.

Stacy called the children to come and get lunch and they all bolted out of the creek. Shouting in delight as they thudded onto the blanket. Elliot watched from the shadows of the tree's, biting his lip in irritation.

He turned and thundered away from the picnic site, growling slightly as he stomped away. The trees themselves shook slightly as he did. Causing birds and rodents to flutter and scurry away.

He snapped his head in the direction of the creek when he heard a giant splash. He stopped stomping through the woods and stayed still for a moment before curiously walking forward.

He eyed the large trout that swam around underneath the surface. His eyes glittering in the reflection of the water. Before even thinking, he shot his arm out and into the cool water.

He snatched the fish in his giant paw and brought the struggling creature out. Not even hesitating before taking a large bite out of the creature, scales, and all.

It quickly succumbed to his teeth and lay limply in his hands and he continued to take bites off of it. Not caring that its blood was pouring down all down his pants and shirt.

He did not even focus on the taste. He needed something in his stomach and this would do nicely. The cuts on his lips split open again as he garbled the fish down. Mixing in with the fish blood that was already there.

When he was done, the only thing left of the animal was a few lost scales that had dislodged onto his hands. He did not even wipe his mouth before he was back at the edge of the water. Peering in to see if there was any more. he might have to move more upstream.

By the time lunch was over and it was time to go home, Elliot had caught two more fish. he was in the middle of eating the third one when he was called over.

Dark NightsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon