Twin Wolves Riddles

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A/N" Hey guys! I tried drawing the twins and I got as close as I imagined them in my head. Their skin tone is supposed to be a little darker than that but my colored pencils suck so bad XD I'm mostly happy with how they turned out though. although... I was told Jack has the hairstyle of Spock from Star Trek and now I can't unsee it. :E

" Careful around Henry Y/N." Joshua's forboding tone repeated itself in your head all night long. You tossed and turned under the thin sheet-like blankets as you remembered his voice, but not only that one sentence. Other things he's said to you rang out in your mind as well.

" Dear, dear Y/n...

You're not getting out of here...

No one is...

No one cares for us...

Not the Doctors, not your friends...

not your family...

After all, who could love monsters like us...

Even if you are telling the truth...

now that you have been here...

no, none of those people will ever care for you again."

Was he right. Did nobody care for you anymore? Did your family and friends really think you did that crime and now they hate you? After all, you had not gotten one visit notice, phone call or even one single letter from anyone outside the institute.

Hell, the only people you have spoken to for the past month was your group members plus the small conversation with Henry yesterday.

What about the other member's families? Didn't they come to visit? The twins ran away from home twelve years ago and their mother had no idea where they were even if she did want to see them. Elliot killed his whole family so he had no one to come visit him. Dr. Valeski did not count in this situation. That only left Willy for possible family visits. However, you have yet to hear anything about a family from him or about him.

For all you know he had no family...or he had eaten them. You shuddered underneath the blankets. The blankets in no way helped you stay warm in the night, it was all the white cottony institute clothing that kept you nice and toasty.

Even though you were physically warm on the inside you were cold. Cold and scared that Joshua was right and that everyone who once loved you now absolutely despised you.

You only let a single tear slip out before you brushed it off your face and rolled over. Trying to focus on anything but that. The only thing you could focus on that made you feel slightly better was yours and Elliot's budding relationship. You hoped that he at least was warming up to you, it seemed like he was.

So that is what you thought of. Thought of for who knows how long before drowsiness finally caught up to you, and lulled you into a light sleep.

- -

You yawned as you sat down next to Elliot for Breakfast. You got a decent amount of sleep, but you kept waking up all throughout the night. So you were still pretty drowsy. You stabbed into your salty eggs with the plastic fork as you looked over at Elliot, discovering that he was already looking down at you. You chewed for a couple of seconds before swallowing.

" Did you find a flower that you like?" You asked him, looking down to get some more eggs on your fork. You heard a small thud on the table as Elliot set the book on it and flipped through the pages until he got to the one he liked.

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