End of the Road

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I finished the last of my apple, eating everything including the core. Willy had returned with some bread and loads of fruit. Elliot and I could use it all after our playdate this evening.

I smiled as I watched the giant slumber. He was laying on his stomach with his hands on his face. His breathing as heavy as ever. I wondered why his breathing was always so heavy. It was not out of breath breathing, it was just... loud.

" I'm assuming the two of you had a good night?" Willy said from his seat next to me. I turned my smile over to him.

" Yeah, we had a splash fight in the stream right out back. It was so refreshing, I have never seen him smile so much before." I said to him, explaining to him the details of the day.

He listened with a big and very adoring smile. He turned his blue eyes over to the slumbering beast. Tilting his head slightly and giving him the same smile he sent to me. He opened his mouth and started giving me his thoughts.

"It's so strange, he has the mentality of a man hardened by a cruel world, yet at the same time, he is as innocent as a child. He has killed many people but he never seeks out murder unless it is for someone who has wronged him or someone he loves." He looked at me. "With the wrong people, he can be a monster. With the right people-."

" He's an Angel." I finished. Willy smiled again, though this time it was different. It was a sad smile, he was happy, yes, but the look in his eyes was heartbreaking.

" I had a daughter once. She died at a young age. I never thought I would feel a father's love towards anyone else again. But then you and Elliot came along and well... taking care of you and making sure you two are safe... it's like I have children again." He said quietly and I did not miss the tear that he quickly wiped away.

He never told me this. I remember his once telling me that I reminded him of someone from his past. I also remember Olivia telling me that his three-year-old daughter had been killed and the killer had been pardoned. I would not bring that up, however. Willy would tell me the details in his own time.

I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head in his neck. he embraced me too, and I put all of my love into the hug.

" We love you, Willy. I hope you know that." I said to him, my voice being slightly muffled. His grip on my back tightened.

" I love you too Y/N."

Elliot snorted in his sleep and bolted upright. Blinking his eyes wide and staring at us as we smiled at him, holding back our chuckles.

" Bless you." Willy chuckled and we both laughed as Elliot blinked at us in confusion. We all layed down to sleep soon afterward. Both Willy and I pressed into Elliot's soft belly as we drifted off into slumber.

- -

"I've almost got it!" I said while struggling to get the apple from the branch. I was currently riding on Elliot's shoulders as I stretched up to try and get as many apples as I could get.

Below us, Willy was holding the ones we already gathered. This would be our late lunch today. He had a look of worry on his face as he watched me balance.

" Be careful Y/N!" He cried. I giggled.

"It's ok Willy! Elliot won't let me fall!" I replied and response his grip on my thighs tightened. I was able to knock a couple of more of. Willy and I would be good with one or two, but Elliot would need more because he was such a big boy.

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