Guilty but Innocent

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" No, this is all a mistake! I have done nothing wrong!"

" Shut up!"

You tried pleading with the police officer for the whole drive through the station. Trying to explain that you had done nothing wrong, at least not on purpose. However, he just ignored you or yelled out you to be quiet. Otherwise, he just kept driving. After a while of this, you finally gave it a break and curled up into a small ball, starting to cry.

You were so scared, you didn't know what was going one or why you were being taken in. You couldn't ask the cop because he would just yell at you again. You knew it would be revealed to you soon enough though.

The car hit a bump in the road and you were jostled out of your thoughts. Looking up you saw that you had entered the parking lot of the police station. Once the car was parked and the others following parked as well, the police officer opened the back door and roughly yanked you out.

You struggled for a second before becoming still and letting your guide of police officer's lead you into the building. Once inside they immediately led you into one of the rooms where they placed possible suspects for... basically for interrogating. inside it was the plain white room with a window on one side, a desk and two chairs in the center of the room, and oddly enough a candle on the desk.

They sat you down facing the window, then exited the room. Once they were gone you ran your cuffed hands through your hair in an attempt to calm your nerves. Of course, it didn't help but it was better than looking at the window where you knew people were on the other side, watching you.

After another few moments, an African American man walked in. He was tall and well built. With dark short hair and hazel eyes, He looked only a couple of years older than you. He smiled as he sat down across from you.

" Hello Miss L/N I am detective Dolin. Now how are we today?" He asked you. Was this some kind of sick joke? You knew he was just trying to be kind yes, but everything was absolutely not okay.

" No." You said, " I don't know why I am here." He just continued to give you a smile. However, it did lower a bit at your statement.

" You don't know why your here, Didn't the officer's tell you?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head. You shook your head in response. He gave a sigh at that before leaning forward and looking you intently in the eyes.

" Miss L/N, You're here because you are the prime suspect for the mass murder at the county hospital yesterday."

" What?!" You practically screeched out. " I don't understand, how am I-." You were cut off as Detective Dolin held up his hand for silence.

" Please miss L/N be calm about this, I only need to ask a couple of questions, can you do that for me?" you took a deep breath in and let it out through your nose, before giving him a nod. You were shaking and almost to tears again, but you tried not to show it.

" Alright, where were you yesterday afternoon?" He asked. Never looking away from you. Staring at you almost intimidatingly. Or in your scared state that's what it seemed like to you. So you found yourself staring down at your hands in your lap inspecting your fingers. Wait... there was a cut on your right index finger, When did that get there? You didn't pay much thought on it though. You had more pressing matters.

" I... I was at school, and then I went home and was doing homework pretty much all night last night." You replied, fiddling with your fingers nervously.

" Do you have any proof that you were there, perhaps your mom or younger sibling there with you?"

" N-no," you said. This was not starting out well for you. He leaned back in his chair a little, but his eyes never left your form. You wished he would stop looking so intimidating on purpose, but you knew he was only doing his job. You didn't think his stare was of one of a hawk looking down at a rabbit though, But more of a Shepard dog looking down upon a lamb that it was trying to determine was actually a lamb or a wolf in disguise. So you really couldn't put it against him.

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