Long Talks on the grass

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You ignored the cries of your family as you jogged down the street. The neighboring houses passed by at a decent pace as you were not full-on running, but you were going at a decent pace.

Their voiced faded after a minute and you realized that they were not following you. Good, you did not want them to follow you. You needed time to think in a place where you could be without an audience. Even if you went up to your room you would still feel cramped, for they would still be in the house.

After a few minutes of running, you took a swerve off of the road and down a small hill. The hill was shaded with a ring of trees that left you out of the prying eyes of anyone that would pass by.

You pushed through the branched and leaves of the surrounding bushes until you were in the little hidey-hole that was about ten feet wide and ten feet long, shaped roughly like an oval. There was a stream running through the center and you took your shoes off so you could stick your feet into the cool water.

The sensation of it running passed your feet and through your toes was calming. You layed down on the grass with your hands on your stomach as you looked up to the trees that shaded you from the sky. Little crackles of sunlight filtered through and created little bits of artwork on the ground.

You stared up at the leaves as you lost yourself in thought. You wanted nothing more than to race back to Holland Hill institute to see your friends. But they were probably gone, escaped into the wind. Besides the fact that the town was a two day trip away by car.

You were tempted to find the detective and ask him to help you but you knew he would not. Even if he helped find them he would make sure that you were not aware of it.

You sighed, you hated feeling so afraid for your friends. They could be really hurt and you could do nothing to help them. The branched behind you crackled and parted and you jumped up. Cold stream water flying everywhere as you leaped to the other side to face the intruder.

You were surprised when the face of Charlie popped through, looking at you for a second before he moved into the space, and Destiny followed behind.

You calmed down slightly, seeing as they were faces you were familiar with. That did not mean you were not a tad irritated though, as you ran off away from your family for the very reason to be alone.

" How did you find me?" You asked them, and Charlie answered you.

" We were walking down the street to stop at your place and say hello, we saw you run off and we followed you here..." He trailed off and Destiny stepped forward to continue.

" We've missed you so much Y/N... We can't express how much we worried about you. We sent you letters every couple of weeks but we never got any indication that you got them." She said. Her green eyes full and sad.

" That's because the institution did not allow any letters to get to the patients, or for any guests to come to see the patients for that matter." You grumbled and a look of shock came across their faces.

They took a seat on the grass on you followed suit, though still on the other side of the stream from them. You glanced down at the pink scars that adorned Destiny's arms. Long, and short cuts all down the length of them.

She saw you looking at them and pulled them closer to her chest, ripping them insecurity. You knew it might not be what you bring up first considering that you just got back, but you had a right to know.

" Destiny.. who gave you those scars, who made you tell the cops lies?" You asked. she sniffled, reaching a hand up to wipe her nose. Charlie flicked his eyes from your form to Destiny's looking like he wanted to say something but not sure what.

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