Newest group member

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A tapping at the door to your room woke you up from your slumber. You snapped your eyes open but did not move from your position. You were curled up around your pillow in a fetal position with your blanket wrapped around you loosely. The bed was actually quite comfortable, but the night was cold.

Even though the bed was comfortable, sleep was hard to get last night, and you were honestly surprised you got any at all. You tossed and turned all night, from the sadness of missing your family, and the fear of what was going to happen the next day.

Today was the day you were going to meet your new doctor and your group. The group of criminally insane people that you would be seeing almost every day until you got out of this place. If you ever would get out. what scared you even more though, was the intensity of how bad they were.

You were framed for a horrible crime, thus being placed in a group of people with similar crimes. Not only that but as Detective Dollin had stated, this was where some of the nations top insane criminals were put. Those were the people that you would be with in your group.

They were the people that you needed to be absolutely careful with. They were the ones who would eat you alive if you slipped up. It's walking on your tip toes from now on for you.

The knocking came again, but you still did not move. You more than anything in the world right now did not want to go through that door unless it was to go home.

" Y/n? it's time to get up and meet your Doctor." A kind female voice sounded from behind the door. Followed by the sound of the door unclicking and sliding open. You quickly sat up, your legs under your bottom as footsteps entered the room.

An average height nurse walked in with a pair of guards behind her. At the sight of them, you scooted further back on the bed until your back touched the wall.

" Come on Y/n, you need to change into new clothes and go get some breakfast before meeting your group!" The nurse said enthusiasm. You looked from her big brown eyes to the guards behind her. They were big and scary, those were the only words you could use to describe them.

The nurse set down a set of clean clothes next to you before turning around and walking out of the room with the guards behind her. Calling out that she would be waiting outside in the hall for you. You heard the door shut and lock behind them, wondering if they were electronically locked doors or if it was all manual.

You looked from where they walked away down to the clothes beside you. They looked just like the ones you already had on. White hospital clothes. You wanted to chuck the clothes back at the door but you did not want to cause any more problems than there already were. So you sighed and reluctantly stood up from the bed and started to dress into the new clothes.

Taking off your shirt, you were surprised when you were hit with a blast of frigid air. How had you not noticed it before? You quickly put on the new shirt and the cold was almost instantly pushed away. What kind of material was this? You didn't know, but it was some of the most comfortable clothing you had ever worn.

Once done with that you folded the old clothes and walked up to the door, knocking on it to signify that you were done. The door opened and the Guards were at you in a millisecond, chaining your wrists and ankles together just like yesterday. You offered no struggle and let them do their job.

When they were done the nurse grabbed the clothes from your hand and started to lead you down the hallway. As you were walking, you noticed that the halls did not smell of soap anymore, but more of old wood. Also, the eighth floor seemed to be a little more unkempt than the first floor.

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