Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds

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Whatever they gave me to put me down did not last very long. I was awake again only a little after we had reached the hospital.

They had cleaned me of all of the blood that was on me, changed me into a hospital gown, and had layed me on a hospital bed. I woke up right as the nurse was leaving the room.

At first, I did not know where I was or what had just happened to me and my family. I was staring blankly up at the white ceiling when it kicked in.

I bolted upright with my eyes wide. My Family! Jack! Joshua! Willy! Elliot! ELLIOT WHERE WAS ELLIOT!? He had to still be in here somewhere.

I tore myself onto the bed and faceplanted onto the cold floor as my feet collapsed from underneath me. I had next to no feeling in them at the moment as I cursed and hissed as I tried to find my footing and stand back up.

I used whatever was in the room to help pull me up and lean against so that I did not fall back down. Since my legs were numb I did not feel the cold floor.

I opened the door and looked both ways. I saw the nurse who had just left my room as she turned the corner in the far right hallway, but no one else.

Just being in here gave me the feeling that I was back in the Asylum. I slowly wobbled out into the hallway as steadily as I could. I noticed there were boards on the walls that had word on them. Such as Elevator, lobby, the cafeteria was on the right, and to the left, there was an Emergency room.

That's my best shot. Elliot would immediately have had to have gone there to get all the pellets from the shotgun out. He might still even be in surgery.

I used the wall to keep balance as I stumbled along, trying to go as fast as possible in case someone walked in on me. I chose the right path I guess as everyone seemed to be elsewhere at the moment.

My mind went back to the meat plant where Willy had sacrificed his life to save Elliot and me. I held back my sobs as tears dripped out of me like a fountain. I lost my family and one of my dearest friends. I wanted to curl up down on the floor and wail until my voice shattered. I could not though. I needed to get to Elliot a fast ass possible though.

I passed by many rooms and through many hallways. The floor getting colder as the feeling and strength returned to my legs. I eventually passed a room that was labeled as the security room, and it was cracked open.

As quietly as I could, I pushed it open a tad. There was a man half-asleep in his chair as he lazily gazed at the rooms on the blue-tinted screens in front of him. Maybe if I was quiet, I could find which room Elliot was in. I looked to see if I could find any sign of Joshua as well since he was also injured. I did not though, maybe they did not find him at the plant.

It was a little bit hard to make out as all of the screens were rather small, and I was not right in front of them. However, I did eventually find the room I was looking for.

He was asleep on the bed as a doctor and a nurse spoke over him. Room B4. That was the room I needed. Looking past the security guard, I noticed a ring of keys on a nail on the wall.

I took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in my throat before quickly slithering into the room. I had no shoe so the padding of my feet was quiet. I tiptoed behind the guard and slipped the keys off of the nail. The security guard was snoring now, which was good since that meant he would not see me sneaking around if he stayed asleep.

I tiptoed back out and left the door as I had found it. It felt good to have a little bit of luck on my side again. If only it would stay as I got to Elliot.

Dark NightsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz