The Love Song

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It was their first day back at UA and their performances, exhibitions, shows and everything else were going to be shown to the UAE admissions board in only two short days. Classes were replaced with an entire day of free periods where every teacher in the school was available to help the young students with whatever they needed. Midoriya sat in the corner desk of Aizawa's room, working on his last drawing for his exhibition. He was hoping to get it done today so he could do nothing but focus on his music tomorrow.

"Hey nerd!" Bakugo called out as he entered the room. Midoriya looked up in surprise when he heard the rough, yet soothing voice that he loved.

"Kaachan, what are you doing here?" Midoriya questioned with a slight sigh. The two had agreed to not see each other until their performances. Nothing was wrong, they just couldn't get anything done when they were near each other.

"Mic asked me to come grab you. Apparently he needs to talk to us. Plus, have you eaten anything today?" The blonde asked as he landed himself in front of his crush.

"Not yet. What time is it?" Midoriya questioned as he carefully began sliding his materials back into his bag.

"A little after four." Bakugo replied with a disappointing look. Midoriya had gotten up at five in the morning and rush straight to the school, so the blonde knew he didn't eat anything for breakfast.

"It's that late already?" He questioned in surprise as the two began leaving Aizawa's room.

"Yeah, time flies when we're busy busting ass." The blonde replied with a groan. He had four of his six songs done and ready to go. The big problem was the last two. He hadn't even written them yet. If worse came to worse, he could perform some older songs. However, he really wanted to showcase his new music.

"What does Mic want?" Midoriya questioned as they slowly made their way to their music teachers room.

"He didn't say." The blonde replied with a shrug. "He just asked me to get you and meet him back in his class room. It probably has something to do with the duet we are performing."

"Well," Midoriya said with a small sigh. "Let's find out." He said as he slid the door open to Mic's room.

"There you two are!" Mic said with a wide smile.

"What's up?" Bakugo questioned as he dropped his bag to the ground.

"I had a phone call with Hina this morning." He began explaining. "We already know she wants to hear the duet you two performed for her again. But now, she wants you two to perform another duet." The students eyes widened upon hearing this information as they internally began freaking out.

"We don't have another duet, or the time to compose one!" Bakugo spat in anger and sadness all at once. He had been wanting to do another duet with the green haired man, but not like this.

"Well, you guys need to figure something out." Mic said with a sigh. "She really wants to hear another one. She has her eyes on the both of you."

"But for us to write a duet and record it by tomorrow, that's impossible Mic!" Midoriya cried out as his anxiety began to rise due to the stress.

"Look, I know it is going to be difficult, but I have complete faith in the both of you. I know you can do it." Their teacher said with an encouraging smile. "I'll leave you two to discuss this." He said before quickly excusing himself from the room. He had a hundred other students he had to see today.

"Kaachan? What are we supposed to do? I still have to record the audio for at least three songs." Midoriya cried out as he looked to the blondes ruby red eyes.

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