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"It really wasn't that bad." Bakugo replied with a shrug as the two began their journey to meet up with Kirishima and Kaminari.

"No, it wasn't." Midoriya replied as he pulled out his music sheets. "It wasn't the best either though."

"For how much it costs, no. It's almost as much as UAE." He replied with a groan. They had just finished their first campus tour and they were lightly impressed. It was a beautiful campus, but the living situations sucked. They required you to live in a dormitory system. It wouldn't be all that bad if there weren't four people shoved into a room.

"I couldn't imagine four music students sharing a room while trying to all do their work at the same time." Bakugo scoffed. "What were they thinking when they made that a rule? Plus the payment for them is way too high for the amount of stress that would out anyone under."

"Most students didn't seem to be happy about it when we were looking at the dorms." Midoriya added as he worked diligently on his music.

"The food was good, the campus was good, the location was good, the classes seemed good, but the living situation ruined it for me." Bakugo said as he began driving down the highway.

"Honestly, same. I won't be going there." He said quietly as he ran his lyrics through his mind. He had the first and second verse done, but he was struggling with the third. He wanted to change it up a bit, but didn't know how.

"What are you stuck on?" Bakugo questioned as he glanced towards the man sitting next to him.

"This song I'm working on." Midoriya replied with a sigh as he shut his book.

"You can't force good lyrics, they come naturally." Bakugo scolded gently.

"I know." Midoriya mumbled. "I finished a song and even recorded it while I was there, but I don't know how I feel about it." He stated as he nervously rolled the hem of his shirt between his fingers.

"Is that where you disappeared to for two hours?" The blonde questioned.

"Yeah.." Midoriya replied, letting his voice trail off. He was kind of embarrassed about his newer song and didn't know if he was ready to share it.

"Do you not like it?" Bakugo questioned gently when he noticed how torn up the freckled man was about it.

"It isn't that I don't like it.." Midoriya paused as he contemplated how to word his next sentence. "It's just different I guess." He said with a simple shrug. The blonde couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"Remember the first song we listened to last night?" Bakugo questioned as he glanced towards a confused Midoriya.

"Yeah?" He replied with uncertainty.

"It was different than a lot of my other songs." He pointed out with a shrug. "It was actually Mic's favorite one too. Different doesn't mean bad Deku. Just play the damn thing." He ordered gently, not wanting to upset the man next to him. Midoriya didn't even have a counter argument as he reached for the aux chord. He hasn't been taking any of his classes too seriously until recently, so he was in no position to fight somebody who knew what they were talking about. He plugged in his phone before pulling up his personal album. He let out a shaky sigh before clicking on his newest song. He only hoped it was good enough.

Bakugo listened intently to each and every word that Midoriya had sung. He was right, it was different in a way. His music was still roughly the same style, but the lyrics were drastically different. His other songs were mainly about what it's like dealing with his mental health, this one was about fighting it. Day by day, Midoriya slowly began to change. Whether his depression lessened or he found a better way to cope with it, he was learning to fight it. Bakugo actually really did like the song, it was probably one of his favorites.

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