Summer Break

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Just like that, their last few days flew by in a flash and it was finally time for summer break. They had found out today that their music and art pieces were to be done and ready to perform by time they came back from their vacation. They were due back on a Wednesday and the UAE admissions board would be here the following Friday after they had returned. They had two days to record any music and perfect it before showing it off. It was a lot of stress and everyone planned on spending their entire break dedicated to their music and other forms of art.

"Need a ride home nerd?" Bakugo questioned as everyone piled into the common room to say goodbye.

"That would be great." Midoriya replied with a small smile. "I need to say goodbye to Uraraka first." He stated before he turned to find his best friend. He of course found her holding onto Iida for dear life. He sighed under his breath as he made his way towards the duo.

"Deku!" Uraraka cried before leaving Iida's arms to spring herself to the freckled man.

"Uraraka, calm down. It's only 5 weeks." He said with a small laugh as he gladly hugged her back.

"But that's five weeks I won't see you!" She whined as she pulled away.

"I promise it will be up before you know it."

"Promise me you'll call me if you need anything. I mean it Deku, anything at all."

"I promise. If worse comes to worse, you're only a two hour train ride away." He said with a small smile as the blonde walked up behind him.

"Ready?" He asked with a sigh. Being around all the crying people gave him a headache and he couldn't wait to finally escape.

"Yeah." He said as he turned back towards his friends. "Bye Uraraka, bye Iida."

"Bye Midoriya."

"Bye Deku." They both said simultaneously before he followed the blonde from the dorms. Both boys couldn't wait to be out of there for the summer. The best part was that they both lived nearby, so they were only a short drive from each other.

"Did you want to get something to eat before we head home?" Bakugo asked as they made their way to the car.

"I'm not hungry." Midoriya replied with a simple shrug. "If you don't have any other plans, can we do something else though?" Midoriya questioned nervously as both boys put their bags in the back seat.

"What did you want to do?" Bakugo questioned as the hopped into the driver and passenger seat. 

"Can we drop our stuff off and go for a ride on your motorcycle?" Midoriya asked as he rolled the hem of his shirt in between his fingers. It really was a nervous habit he had done way to often.

"That's it?" Bakugo questioned with a small laugh. "With how nervous you were, I thought you were going to ask for something ridiculous."

"I'm sorry I have anxiety." Midoriya snapped as he turned his head away from the blonde. The blonde mentally smacked himself in the face for saying what he said. Just because Midoriya was feeling better, it didn't mean he was better. On the other hand, Midoriya felt guilty as soon as the words left his mouth. Bakugo had been nothing but kind and supporting for the last few weeks and he can't believe he reacted like that. They sat in silence the rest of the drive, too scared to talk. Bakugo wanted to give Midoriya a chance to calm down before he tried to apologize.

A short few minutes later, Bakugo parked at his house. He looked to the green haired man sadly, who was still staring out the window at the time.

"Look Deku.. I didn't mean it like that." He explained with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry."

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