The Red Brick Diner

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If you are ever having depressing or suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. Somebody cares about you and is willing to help, even if it doesn't feel like it!

Suicide Hotline Number: 800-273-8255

You ARE valuable. You ARE worth it. You ARE Important. You ARE loved!


After sleeping for nine hours, Midoriya sluggishly made his way down to the common room. It was two in the morning and everyone else should be asleep by this time, so he was happy to be able to grab something to eat and take a shower. What he wasn't counting on was somebody else being awake and in the kitchen.

"What are you doing up at this hour idiot?" Bakugo asked as he sat at the counter in the kitchen, working on a new song.

"I just woke up actually." Midoriya replied quietly as he internally groaned. When he said he didn't want to see anybody for the rest of the day, he meant it.

"What do you want to eat?" Bakugo questioned as he carefully studied Midoriya's frame, taking notice of the fact he has been losing weight.

"I'm not hungry." The green haired man replied quietly as he set his shower things on the counter, avoiding the blondes eyes.

"That isn't what I asked idiot." Bakugo replied with a heavy sigh as he pushed himself from the island. "Uraraka told me you didn't eat breakfast or lunch today and unless you have a kitchen in your room, you didn't eat dinner either." The blonde pointed out as he slowly walked to the fridge, looking for something small to feed his child hood friend. He knew he didn't want to eat, but he had to. He had to at least eat something small.

"Kacchan, I'm not hungry." Midoriya whispered quietly as his eyes fell to the blonde's latest project for school. In their composing and performing class, they were to write a song and perform it at a later date for the UAE admissions board.

"Eat." The fiery blonde ordered as he put a small salad in front of the boy. "I'll be in the living room." He informed as he gathered his things. Nobody had ever seen Midoriya eat, and there was probably a reason for it. The green haired man watched the blonde walk away before turning back to his salad with a gulp. Nothing sounded appetizing. Just the thought of eating it made him feel sick to his stomach. He stared at the salad which felt like his greatest enemy at the moment. He felt stupid for having so much pain for eating a salad, but he couldn't help it. The thought of it truly made him sick to his stomach. Deciding he wasn't even going to attempt to eat it, he pushed it away before grabbing his shower things and retreating to the bathroom, passing Bakugo on the way. He quickly walked past before he had the chance to ask if he had finished his food.

When he had reached the bathroom, he quickly went into the closest shower stall, shutting the curtain behind him. He sat his things on the small bench before turning on the water. While waiting for the water to reach his desired temperature, he took his clothes off, careful to keep the curtain between the shower and the changing area closed so he didn't soak his stuff. As soon as he stepped under the warm running water, he instantly began to feel relief wash over him. It was as if he could feel his depression drip down his body with the small water droplets. He sat under the water while his mind raced about what he was going to do later that same day when the rest of the world had woken up. He still had to do something that scared him, but his anxiety couldn't handle going to another busy place with a bunch of people two days in a row. He was so consumed in his mind that he didn't hear the shower curtains rustling behind him. He was far gone in his out head when he felt two muscular arms wrap around his waist from behind. Midoriya let out a small squeal from shock as he turned towards the intruder while shaking from fear.

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