Piercings and Blessings

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"I can't believe we'll be back in the dorms in five days." Midoriya said as him and Bakugo walked down the not so busy street. It was a sunny afternoon and they were just enjoying the sunshine. Well, that and each other's company.

"Yeah, no more random trips." Bakugo said with a sigh. He was excited to get back and work on his music since he was going to be performing again, but he was going to miss his quality time with the nerd.

"I'm going to miss those." Midoriya said with a sigh. "Just waking up and disappearing with you for a few days." He mumbled with a blush as he looked to the sidewalk. Bakugo couldn't help but admire how adorable he was.

"Think we have time for one more trip?" Bakugo questioned in a teasing tone as he playfully bumped Midoriya's shoulder with his own.

"I wish. I haven't even begun packing yet and I still need to do two more drawings." Midoriya whined. "I wish we could do one more spontaneous thing before going back though."

"Like what?" Bakugo questioned with a small laugh.

"I don't know, go zip lining, sky diving, skinn-"

"How about a piercing?" Bakugo questioned, cutting his crush off.

"A piercing?" Midoriya questioned in reply. The thought of putting a hole anywhere on his face never occurred to him.

"There's a tattoo and piercing shop right there." Bakugo said as he pointed across the street. "I'm down for a piercing, I've been wanting one for a while now." He said with a simple shrug. "I just don't know what I would get."

"Eyebrow." Midoriya replied a little to quickly, causing the blonde to look to him in shock.

"Have you been picturing me with piercings before?" Bakugo questioned with a teasing smile.

"N-no." Midoriya replied as his face turned a bright shade of red. Truth was, he had imagined the blonde in more ways than he would care to admit.

"Let's go then." Bakugo replied with a challenging smirk as he walked towards the cross walk.

"You're serious?" Midoriya questioned in surprise as he ran after the blonde.

"Yeah. Like I said, I had been wanting one for a while. You don't have to get one if you don't want to." He replied with a shrug as they waited for the cross walk to change.

"I've never really thought about it, but I don't think I would be against it." Midoriya said with a shrug as they began crossing the road. "What would I get though?" He questioned as he began imagining different piercings on his face.

"A lip ring." Bakugo said without hesitation. Midoriya looked to him in surprise before a smirk played across his face.

"Kaachan? Have YOU pictured me with piercings before?" He asked teasingly as they walked into the shop.

"Of course not idiot." Bakugo replied with a small blush. He actually has, but he would never admit it. He honestly thought it would be hot to make out with someone with a lip or tongue ring.

"Hello, how can we help you today?" A skinny brunette covered in tattoo's had asked.

"We were hoping to get some piercings today." Bakugo replied with a smirk.

"Alright, what did you want?" She asked kindly as she grabbed two sets of paperwork.

"I want an eyebrow and he wants a lip ring." Bakugo stated as she handed them each a set of paperwork.

"What kind of lip ring did you want sweetie?" She asked the green haired man. Bakugo was expecting him to shut down due to his anxiety, but he didn't.

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