Midoriya's Birthday

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"I'm sorry to have called you on a Saturday." Midoriya said in apology as he entered Kye's room.

"It's no problem at all." He replied with a gentle smile as he opened the freckled mans file. "Happy Birthday by the way."

"Thank you." Midoriya whispered in reply as he sat in his usual spot.

"Now, what happened to the point you decided to come home early?" Kye questioned as Midoriya handed him his notebook.

"UAE." Midoriya replied simply. "I fell in love with a school I don't think I will be able to go to." Midoriya explained as Kye began flipping through the last two days in his notebook.

"Why don't you think you'll be able to go?" Kye questioned as his eyes lingered on the pages. There was a huge amount of improvement in such a short amount of time.

"I'll feel guilty about leaving my mom.." Midoriya replied, letting his voice trail off.

"I think it's time you had a talk with her." Kye replied with a shrug. "She loves you more than anything and she only wants you to be happy kid. If going to UAE will make you happy, she'll be all for it."

"That's what she'll say, but I know it will hurt her to not be in the same town as me." Midoriya replied. He truly did love UAE, but was it worth his mothers heart break?

"Maybe it will, maybe it won't. There's always weekends and breaks. You can always visit." Kye counter argued. "As a parent myself, I promise she would want you to. She would want you to chase your dreams Midoriya." The green haired man didn't say anything as he nervously bit his lip. Kye was right and he knew that deep down. She would want him to go, but guilt would still eat him alive.

"Would you like to have her come in sometime next week? We could all sit down and talk together if you think that would help." Kye offered kindly.

"No." Midoriya replied quickly. He knew he had to talk to his mother and he would. He just needed the right time to do so. "I'll talk to her when I'm ready." Midoriya said with a sad smile. The two sat in silence for two minutes, running through their thoughts. Midoriya had so much he wanted to say and Kye had so much he wanted to ask. Kye chose to ignore the sensitive topics as he asked about his weekend.

"So in your journal here, I can't help but notice how well you have been handling yourself." Kye said with a soft smile as set the book down. "Rating your depression a four on one day and a two on today. Any idea on why they were so low?" Kye questioned as he studied Midoriya's actions intently. Kye already knew the answer to that, but he wanted to see if the young man had figured it out for himself.

"It was everything." Midoriya said with a soft smile. "Being out with friends, looking forward to the future, I finished so many songs and even a few more drawings." Midoriya said with a sparkle in his eye. He truly did have a great weekend, even if he decided to end it early.

"That's great Midoriya." Kye said with a soft smile. He was glad that the young man was starting to feel better about life.

"You've also been a huge help. If you didn't give me that notebook, I probably would have been locked up in my dorm this entire time. I wouldn't have updated my supplies in order to truly express my art. I wouldn't have gotten the inspiration to finish some of my songs. I wouldn't have just had one of the best weekends of my life." He said with a wide smile. Turns out the smile was contagious because not even a second later, Kye was smiling too.

"I have an idea." Kye said suddenly as he handed the journal back to Midoriya.

"What's that?" Midoriya questioned in confusion as he slid the book back into his bag.

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