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The boys had been driving for six hours on the blondes motorcycle, with no destination. They had five days before they started their first year at UAE. Since they had already packed everything, they decided to go on one more adventure before dedicating the next few weeks to their art. Bakugo obviously decided to attend for composing and performing, while taking some smaller classes for photography. The green haired man on the other hand, was never able to choose between his two. He ended up signing up for both technical drawing and composing and performing. He didn't get to take any other smaller courses because of it. The only other class he had was digital and animation art, but he had to give up his study hall to do so. He really didn't mind though since he got to see his step father.

"Wanna just stop here for a night?" Bakugo questioned as he parked along the street by a small street market that led to a massive one. He had a hunch on where they were, but he wasn't entirely sure.

"That works for me." Midoriya said as he slid off the back of the bike, happy to be able to stretch.

"Let's try not to fill the entire bag here." Bakugo lectured as he took his helmet off. Midoriya copied his actions before replying.

"The bag is practically empty Kaachan." Midoriya said with a laugh. "It just has underwear, socks, toiletries, my ipad and... other necessary items." Bakugo couldn't help but smirk when he realized what else his amazing boyfriend had put in the bag. They never brought anything else when they took an adventure anymore. They could write songs or draw on the ipad, so they decided to not bring their books with them anymore. It was the same way with clothes. They always ended up buying some new ones when they were out, so they didn't even bother to bring them anymore.

"But we aren't staying here the whole time, so let's leave room for some other places as well." He explained as he gently slid his hand down Midoriya's arm, interlocking their fingers. They began walking down the street, passing several shops on the way. There were so many different things, they didn't know where to look. They walked for about half an hour in a comfortable silence before they found a small music store. They just looked to each other and smiled before heading towards the door. Bakugo opened it first, holding it for his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Midoriya said with a small smile as he walked towards the headphone section. There were plenty of other things to look at, but that was what he needed the most currently. The blonde didn't really need anything, the view of his amazing boyfriend was enough. Midoriya chose not to waste anytime as he grabbed the old headphones he previously had. When he was making his way back to the counter, he couldn't help but let his eyes scan the jewelry section. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the cheesiest necklace in existence. It was a metal black guitar pick that had the words I'd pick you over and over again engraved in them. It was on a long silver chain and he knew it would fit his boyfriends aesthetic.

He glanced around the shop, making sure his boyfriend was distracted at the moment. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the blonde looking through a mass of drumsticks. He quickly grabbed it off the shelf before proceeding to the check out counter. He quickly paid for his items before shoving them deep into the bag so his boyfriend didn't see them. When everything was tucked away, he made his way across the store. He silently snaked his arms around his boyfriends waist, causing the blonde to jump slightly. The blonde turned his head to look at his boyfriend with the best if his ability.

"Jesus Deku, you're going to give me a heart attack one day." He scoffed before showing a small smile. The green haired man didn't say anything as he rose to his tippy-toes, pressing a quick peck against the blondes soft skin.

"You gonna get anything?" Midoriya questioned as he released his hold on the blonde.

"Nahh." He replied with a simple shrug. "You good to go?" He questioned.

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